Vrhunska obdelava zraka

Ne glede na to, ali iščete rešitve za dom ali podjetje, imamo v družbi Samsung klimatski sistem, ki bo izpolnil vaše edinstvene potrebe.

Rešitve za vaše podjetje

Line drawing of woman behind desk in an office with a cassette unit on the ceiling Line drawing of woman behind desk in an office with a cassette unit on the ceiling

Rešitve za vaš dom

Line drawing of man in a chair in his living room with a wall mount unit on the wall Line drawing of man in a chair in his living room with a wall mount unit on the wall


Air conditioning installer on a ladder servicing a 360 cassette unit Air conditioning installer on a ladder servicing a 360 cassette unit


Woman behind her desk working with air conditioning planning software Woman behind her desk working with air conditioning planning software

Posebni poudarki


Odkrijte celotno paleto

WindFree Wall-Mounted unit WindFree Wall-Mounted unit

Najdite monterja Samsung izdelkov

Naši specializirani strokovnjaki za klimatske sisteme bodo v sodelovanju z vami našli pravo klimatsko rešitev za vaše potrebe.
A tablet which shows the installer locator tool for the UK A tablet which shows the installer locator tool for the UK


V družbi Samsung smo predani skrbi za našo globalno skupnost in naš planet. Oglejte si, kako na vsakem koraku našega dela sprejemamo okoljsko odgovorne odločitve.
A smiling woman with the sea on the background A smiling woman with the sea on the background