A vertical line appears on the screen

Last Update date : 2024-01-09

The cause of the vertical line can vary from physical damage to the display hardware to software glitches, outdated drivers, or improper settings. It can be a temporary issue that goes away on its own or a persistent problem that requires troubleshooting and repairs.


Is the vertical line constantly visible on the screen, or does it just occasionally appear? If a vertical line occasionally appears on the screen, do the following steps:

1 Need to discharge the power by unplugging the power cable for 10 to 15 minutes and replugging again.
2 Unplug the power cable from the extension and connect the TV directly to the power socket.
3 Remove all the external devices from the TV (HDMI, USB, Optical cable, Antenna or Satellite Cable)
4 Open the TV and check if the issue still appears. We might requrie to assign a service request to our services centers due to the hardware issue.

Note:  If you have any questions after verifying the solutions mentioned above, please call our contact center for help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

*The features mentioned can be available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information.

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