皇者力量 終極致勝

擁有龍眼睛圖案加持,Samsung Notebook Odyssey以頂尖效能給予您完美的致勝助力,隨時伴您誓死一戰!

An image of the Samsung Notebook Odyssey, showing its screen. This features a dragon’s eye set against a dragon skin backdrop, with the logo gradually appearing from the eye.

Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")的每個部份,設計靈感受神話中的龍所啟發。

An image showing the logo on the Samsung Notebook Odyssey's top illuminates with red light.


Samsung Notebook Odyssey預載Intel 45W四核心處理器及內置GDDR5的nVidia GTX 1050 40W全效能圖像顯示卡,效能直逼桌面電腦水平,玩遊戲及進行其他工作的速度與桌面電腦一樣飛快無比。

An image of the black Samsung Notebook Odyssey, showing a fantastic-looking dragon coming out of its screen. Also displayed are graphs that compare the results of 3D Mark 11 Benchmark tests of the Samsung Notebook Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6〃, GTX 1060):11968.5 with a previous model, which scores 4415. Below the graphs, the previous mode’s specs can be seen. These read: 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / Nvidia GTX 950M(GDDR 2GB) / DDR3 8GB. In addition, icons for the Intel 7th Keby Lake i7 45W Quadcore CPU, the nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 with GDDR5 4GB, the Latest DDR4 2 slot and dual channel memory are shown.


六邊形冷卻面板外觀仿似龍鱗,能讓外部空氣穿過有孔機殼直達Samsung Notebook Odyssey內部核心,發揮最大冷卻效果。

An image of a Samsung Notebook Odyssey device’s bottom facing upwards, showing how it absorbs cool air and emits hot air, using arrows and graphics to illustrate the process.
An image of the inside of a Samsung Notebook Odyssey device’s bottom section, showing how its inner structure absorbs cool air and emits hot air, using arrows and graphics to illustrate the process.


只要打開六邊形機底殼,即看見SSD固態硬碟機插槽及兩個DDR4記憶體插槽,隨時隨地為Samsung Notebook Odyssey進行硬件升級,過程簡單容易。

A image showing the Heatsink being opened on the Samsung Notebook Odyssey’s bottom
只要打開六邊形機底殼,即看見SSD固態硬碟機插槽及兩個DDR4記憶體插槽,隨時隨地為Samsung Notebook Odyssey進行硬件升級,過程簡單容易。



備有廣闊觀賞角度顯示屏,Samsung Notebook Odyssey呈現出更清晰生動畫面,更可讓您觀賞亮度最高達到250nits的亮麗影像。

An image of the Samsung Notebook Odyssey, showing its screen with game
A video showing a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey device being rotated from the front to the side with its screen displaying gameplay
An image of the Samsung Notebook Odyssey, showing its screen with game.
An image showing the side of a Samsung Notebook Odyssey device, with a game running on its screen.



Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")支援Video HDR功能,能夠實時優化對比度及色彩,締造更動感的觀賞體驗,令您投入生動逼真的電影及影像世界。

Video HDR is turned off with an image of a female musician and a dragon on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey screen.
Video HDR is turned on with an image of a female musician and a dragon on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey screen.
Video HDR is turned off with an image of a female musician and a dragon on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey screen.
Video HDR is turned on with an image of a female musician and a dragon on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey screen.



An image showing the top view of a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey device open, with its screen displaying medieval knights, as well as a curved keycap icon at the bottom right. The image shows that when the screen is scrolled, the keyboard and touchpad light up. Also visible is a magnified image of the keyboard.


An image showing 3D gameplay on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey device with game information
An image showing fps gameplay on a black Samsung Notebook Odyssey device's screen

PC Message

現在用Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")發送訊息變得更簡單容易,只要透過PC Message功能,就可以用手提電腦經智能手機收發送短訊。從此每次收到訊息,也不一定需要把手機拿出來。

An image showing a smartphone and a Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6") device synced wirelessly, with the same thumbnail images on both devices’ screens shared between the devices

PC Gallery

智能手機可與Samsung Odyssey(15.6")進行無縫同步,並透過PC Gallery輕鬆擷取所有您手機上的相片。此功能會自動為相片進行備份,同時根據拍攝日期和地點分類,您隨後可為相片加上標籤,甚至在電腦上編輯相片。

An image showing a smartphone and a Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6") device synced wirelessly, with the same thumbnail images on both devices’ screens shared between the devices

team PL

teamPL功能方便您把Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")屏幕畫面分享給5位同事及朋友,助您們快捷簡單地合作完成工作,是一項用於進行小組項目協作的完美解決方案,尤其適合小型企業採用。


An image showing the same Excel file open on six silver Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6") devices’ screens


Simple Sharing功能方便您透過兼容裝置,快速直接地把Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")上的檔案與Android智能手機上的聯絡人共享。只要利用對應Windows 10共享功能的應用程式,便可共享檔案甚至整個文件。您可在48小時內傳輸高達2GB的檔案(每個檔案高達1GB)。

An image illustrating how a wireless connection is operating between a smartphone and a Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6") device, allowing files from the notebook to be shared to and from the phone


透過Wi - Fi傳輸功能,手提電腦可與智能手機或其他手提電腦等裝置共享文件。無論文件是甚麼類型,大型文件都可簡單地在已啟動Wi-Fi功能的裝置之間傳輸,甚至無需連接互聯網。

An image showing a notebook and a smartphone linked via the Wi-Fi Transfer function.

預載Windows 10

Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6")預載Windows 10作業系統,操作強效易用,同時提供快速流暢的預設網頁瀏覽器Microsoft Edge,用戶可到Windows Store搜尋到大批實用應用程式讓您提升電腦效能。

An image showing a silver Samsung Notebook Odyssey(15.6") device’s screen with Windows 10 GUI on its display, and its cover open


只要透過Wi-Fi Direct功能,就可以把手提電腦與智能手機連接起來,利用手機的全高清視像鏡頭和麥克風進行視像通話。Wi-Fi視像鏡頭讓您在視像通話進行期間,隨意調節拍攝角度,顯示周圍環境。

* Full HD全高清視像錄影需視乎智能手機規格而提供。
** 僅部份型號提供Wi-Fi視像鏡頭功能。

An image showing a user video chatting using the Wi-Fi camera feature.


  • Windows 10 Home

  • Intel® Core™ i7 處理器 7700HQ (2.80 GHz 高達 3.80 GHz 6MB L3 Cache)
    Intel HM175

  • NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 Graphics with GDDR5 4GB Graphic Memory

  • 15.6" FHD LED 顯示屏 (1920 x 1080), 防眩光

  • 16GB DDR4 記憶體 (8GB x 2)
    2 SODIMM

  • 1TB 硬盤 (5400RPM)
    128GB 防震固態硬盤

  • 白色

  • 雙聲道揚聲器 ( 1.5 W x 2 )

  • 802.11 ac (1x1)
    藍牙 v4.1
    Gigabit Ethernet [10/100/1000]

  • 1 HDMI
    1 USB3.0, 2 USB2.0
    3-in-1 (SD, SDHC, SDXC) 多卡插槽
    1 耳機輸出/麥克風組合介面
    1 RJ45 (LAN)
    1 DC-in

  • 島型鍵盤連數字鍵

  • Security Slot

  • 43Wh
    120 W AC 轉換器

  • 378 x 260 x 24.0 ~ 28.2mm (14.88" x 10.24" x 0.94" ~ 1.11")

  • 2.53Kg (5.58lbs)

  • Samsung Recovery
    Samsung Settings
    Simple Sharing
    Samsung Update
    Wi-Fi Transfer
    ※ 軟體的更改恕不另行通知。


User Manual(Windows 10)

版本 3.3 | 6.49 MB



User Manual(Windows 10)

版本 3.2 | 3.13 MB






充分利用 Samsung 裝置和服務。




* 所支援及可用的5G網絡制式會因應不同裝置而異。有關香港三星5G裝置可支援的5G網絡制式之詳情,請按此

+ 顏色只供參考;詳情請向店員查詢。

▲ 實際可用記憶體可因手機/平板電腦/相機/電腦出廠配置不同而異,出廠配置包括已預載之操作平台及應用程式


- 存儲容量代表: 製造商的存儲設備 (硬盤、固態硬盤) 容量假定按1KB=1000位元組計算。但是,操作系統 (Windows) 計算存儲設備容量時卻是假定1KB=1024位元組,因此,由於容量計算方法的不同,Windows中硬盤的容量顯示會小於實際的容量。例如,對於一個80GB的硬盤,Windows顯示的容量為74.5GB,80x1000x1000x1000位元組/(1024x1024x1024)位元組=74.505。另外,Windows中的容量顯示甚至可能會更小,因為一些程式 (例如三星快速恢復功能) 可能會預留在硬盤的隱藏區域中。 記憶體容量代表: Windows中顯示的內存容量小於實際的內存容量。因為BIOS或圖像處理器佔用了部分內存,或者預留內存供以後使用。例如,安裝1GB(=1,024MB)內存,Windows可能顯示為1,022MB或更小。

- 實際電池壽命會因應應用程式使用情況、設定、功能或所選工作、網絡配置、操作溫度及眾多其他因素而有所不同。

- Windows是Microsoft Corporation在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標,而所有其他公司和產品名稱可能是各相關公司所擁有之商標。

^ 不適用於香港地區出售之型號。

- 實際重量可能因製造過程而略有不同。

- Windows部分應用程式及內容須另行購買,其功能、內容與應用程式的供應情況和使用體驗會因應不同裝置和地區而異。