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How To

Update the software on your Samsung smart TV or Monitor

Update automatically If the device is connected to the internet, you can have software updates installed automatically while you're watching TV. Once the update is complete, it...


Display or Screen

Set up your Samsung monitor

Selecting the right cable The cable choice significantly impacts monitor performance, especially concerning maximum refresh rates. Refer to the user manual to determine whether...


Display or Screen

Samsung dual monitor setup with Windows or Mac

What you need to run dual or multiple monitors Most computers are able to connect dual or multiple monitors easily by just plugging them into the available ports on the computer....


Display or Screen

Clean your Samsung monitor

Cleaning procedures Caution: Because your monitor’s screen is fragile, you should avoid using certain cleaning products. Do not spray water or any kind of detergent onto it. Do not...

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Product info

Manual, downloads, specs and register

For the latest manuals, driver updates, other related software, specs and the ability to register your product, we'll need some more details about your device.

  • Key Feature
  • Slim
  • HDMI input
  • ENERGY STAR® Certified
  • Flat
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