Samsung Privacy Policy--AdHub Supplement

Samsung’s AdHub service enables advertisers to reach Samsung users across various Samsung and third-party platforms, including the web, mobile devices, tablets, and TVs. Among other things, AdHub enables advertisers to send you advertisements that are customised based on information Samsung receives about you, your device, and your online activities.

We collect, use, share and store the information we receive through AdHub in the ways we describe in the Samsung Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy applies to AdHub, but this Supplement provides additional details about AdHub’s privacy practices [and explains your choices with respect to those practices].

Information AdHub Collects

Device Information

When you use a Samsung service that includes ads provided by AdHub, AdHub receives certain information about your device. This information may include the device’s hardware model, IMEI number and other unique device identifiers, MAC address, IP address, operating system version, and settings.

In addition, the first time you visit a service that displays ads by AdHub, Ad Hub will assign your device a random ID number, which will be sent back to AdHub each time your device gets a new ad from AdHub. This allows AdHub to recognise your device across different websites or applications and serve you ads that are relevant to your needs and interests.

AdHub may collect some of this information using cookies, beacons and similar technologies. Please see the Samsung Privacy Policy for more information about how these work and how you can control their use.

Ad Information.

When AdHub displays an ad to you, AdHub logs the fact that your device received that ad, as well as the webpage or other place where you viewed it.

Information Shared with Third-Party Partners

AdHub may share information about the number of users who see particular ads (or ad campaigns) with our third-party partners. This information is shared in aggregate form only, meaning that no device information is shared with the advertiser.

Information Collected By Other Companies

Third-party advertisers may use web beacons in their ads in order to collect information about users who view their ads, including through cookies, beacons and similar technologies.  Samsung does not control the data collection and use practices of these companies.  Some of these companies participate in industry-developed programs designed to provide consumers choices about whether to receive targeted advertising.  Please visit the websites operated by the Network Advertising Initiative []  and Digital Advertising Alliance [] to learn more.

Your Choices

You can opt out of receiving targeted advertising from AdHub here []. Please note that if you opt out, you will continue to see ads, but they may be less relevant to you because they will not be based on your interests.