Why Samsung TV
is the Global No.1* TV

Explore this year's innovation that continues our achievement for 18 years and running.

Why Samsung TV?

What is it actually that makes Samsung TV a Global No.1 TV brand for 18 years?
You come to the right place. Here’s more reason to love Samsung TV:

Your privacy?
Secured by Knox

Secured by Knox Secured by Knox

Energy Saving?
AI Energy Mode

AI Energy Mode AI Energy Mode

Sustainable Battery?
SolarCell Remote

Solar cell remote Solar cell remote

Digital Butler? SmartThings

SmartThings SmartThings

Get your Samsung TV Neo QLED series

Spot your dream TV here? Bring home these breakthrough innovation screens and technology now.

You might also like our Big Inch TV

Watching TV with a bunch of people you love? Samsung Big Inch series might be the one for you.

Or our Lifestyle TV to suit your persona

Whether you’re an artistic soul, social media lovers, or adventurous person—Samsung TV is made for you.

Prefer watching on a crystal clear TV?

If you’re into getting visual crystal clarity, these options might be your cup of tea.


*Global No.1 Source - Omdia, Feb 2024. Results are not an endorsement of Samsung. Any reliance on these results is at the third party’s own risk.
**’Secured by Knox’ applies to Samsung TVs powered by Tizen®, launched since 2015.
***Energy saving rate may vary according to regions, models, sizes, viewing conditions or types of content.
****To charge the remote with solar energy, set the TV remote down with the solar panel facing up. Place it in your living room while your lights are turned on, or you can place it near a window where it will soak in natural sunlight. If SolarCell Remote’s battery is drained, it would need to be charged with a USB-C cable. The battery level of SolarCell Remote can be checked through the pop-up guide on TV screen.
*****Available technology, functions and features may vary by country, service provider, network environment or product, and are subject to change without notice. Requires a Wi Fi, Bluetooth or other wireless network connection and login to Samsung account. Connected devices are sold separately. Use of calm technology requires agreement from both SmartThings privacy notice and auto registered device. UI is subject to change without prior notice.