Pin an app to your phone screen so that it can't be closed

Last Update date : Oct 06. 2023

Sometimes, we need to pass our phones to friends, coworkers, or even our kids. There's often this worry that they might mess with our apps or peek where they shouldn't. This is especially the case when we want to let our kids play with our phones for a while. Here's a neat trick to lock one app on the screen when you hand your phone over. 

How to turn on Pin app feature in settings

Step 1. Go to Settings > Security and privacy.

Step 2. Scroll down and find Other security settings.

Step 3. You can toggle the switch for Pin app on or tap on the text to view more settings.

Pin apps to screen

How to pin an app to screen

Step 1. Open the app you want to pin.

Step 2. Tap on the Recents button (left-most button on bottom of screen). Or if you're using Swipe gestures, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold.

Step 3. Tap on the icon above the app you want to pin and select Pin this app.

Pin apps to screen

How to unpin an app

To unpin the app, press and hold the Recents button and Back button at the same time.

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