How do I fix an error when downloading content from Galaxy Themes?

Last Update date : 14.09.2022

Download errors occur for a few reasons. Usually, there is a way to find out exactly what happened and how to fix it. Some of the most common download errors happen when your phone is downloading or installing updates from Galaxy Themes. 

Error message downloading Galaxy Themes.

If an error occurs during Installation or update, do the following:   

Step 1. View of phone screen with “Settings” option highlighted. Step 1. View of phone screen with “Settings” option highlighted.

Step 1. Open your phone’s Settings menu.

Step 2. View of Settings page with “Apps” option highlighted. Step 2. View of Settings page with “Apps” option highlighted.

Step 2. Tap on “Apps.”

Step 3. View of Applications page with “Galaxy Themes” option highlighted. Step 3. View of Applications page with “Galaxy Themes” option highlighted.

Step 3. Tap on “Galaxy Themes.”

Step 4. View of Galaxy Themes page with “Storage” highlighted. Step 4. View of Galaxy Themes page with “Storage” highlighted.

Step 4. Tap on “Storage.”

Step 5. View of Storage page with “Delete data/ Cache” option highlighted. Step 5. View of Storage page with “Delete data/ Cache” option highlighted.

Step 5. Tap on “Clear data” then “Clear cache.”

If the same error message keeps coming up, contact us and attach the system log following these steps: 

Step 1. Do a long press on your home screen of your Galaxy device. Step 1. Do a long press on your home screen of your Galaxy device.

Step 1. Long press on your Galaxy device’s home screen.

Step2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on the "Themes" tab. Step2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on the "Themes" tab.

Step 2. Tap the “Themes” icon.

Step 3. Tap on "Menu" on the right bottom of the screen. Step 3. Tap on "Menu" on the right bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Tap the “Menu” icon from the main screen.

Step 4. Tap on the settings icon on the top right off the screen. Step 4. Tap on the settings icon on the top right off the screen.

Step 4. Tap the settings icon of the Galaxy Themes menu.

Step 5. Scroll down and tap on "Contact us". Step 5. Scroll down and tap on "Contact us".

Step 5. Tap “Contact us.”

Step 6. Tap "Error reports" and, on the next screen, fill in the information required and send the report. Step 6. Tap "Error reports" and, on the next screen, fill in the information required and send the report.

Step 6. Tap “Error reports.” Scroll to the bottom and tap “Contact us / Error reports.” On the next screen, just fill in the information required and send the report.

If a purchased theme does not work

Check to see if there is an updated version of the theme you purchased. The only content that can be updated is content that the seller has registered with Galaxy Themes. You can update your theme using these steps: 

Step 1. Do a long press on your Galaxy home screen. Step 1. Do a long press on your Galaxy home screen.

Step 1. Long press on your Galaxy device’s home screen.

Step 2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on "Themes" tab. Step 2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on "Themes" tab.

Step 2. Tap the “Themes” icon.

Step 3. In the bottom options bar, tap on "Menu" option. Step 3. In the bottom options bar, tap on "Menu" option.

Step 3. Tap the “Menu” icon from the main screen.

Step 4. Tap on "My Stuff" or "Purchased items". You can find these options on the tap of the screen or in the centre of the screen. Step 4. Tap on "My Stuff" or "Purchased items". You can find these options on the tap of the screen or in the centre of the screen.

Step 4. Tap “My stuff” or “Purchased items.”

If your device’s OS has been updated since your purchase, you may need to update your theme. If an update is not available, contact the developer and ask if they plan to publish an update.

When the phone is set to dark mode, some features of the theme are incompatible and will not be visible (keyboard, keypad, window bar, etc.)

Please change the settings from Dark Mode to Light Mode with these steps:

Step 1. Open your phone’s “Settings” menu. Step 1. Open your phone’s “Settings” menu.

Step 1. Open your phone’s “Settings” menu.

Step 2. Tap on “Display" option scrolling down on your screen. Step 2. Tap on “Display" option scrolling down on your screen.

Step 2. Tap on “Display.”

Step 3. Tap on “Light” Step 3. Tap on “Light”

Step 3.Tap on “Light.”

Please note: The location and name of the settings menu may be different depending on the country and device.

Thank you for your feedback!

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