34" Odyssey G8 OLED 曲面電競顯示器 (175Hz)

34" Odyssey G8 OLED 曲面電競顯示器 (175Hz)


  • Neo Quantum 處理器對OLED 面板上的每一幀進行分析和優化
  • DisplayHDR True Black 400 黑色層次更純淨
  • 175Hz 刷新率和 0.1ms 的反應時間


  • Samsung Neo Quantum Processor is shown with the square chip label in the middle. And it transitions to show a nighttime scene from the Lost Ark game on the screen, zooming out on an abandoned lighthouse under the moon and surrounded by trees. The screen is angled to the left.
    OLED 顯示屏
  • An Odyssey monitor shows a car racing scene on its screen. Three cars speed away from a city skyline. The front of the lead car is coming off the monitor's screen. In the top right corner of the screen, it reads ""0.1ms.""
    0.1ms 反應時間
  • The monitor shows media home and then transitions to a video streaming app where a brief clips of shows is played. When the two clips of shows are played, sound effect comes from the lower sides of corner. An astronaut runs in the scene. And there are Apple TV+ and the For All Mankind logo.
    Smart TV 體驗

Odyssey OLED G8 Go Beyond

The back of an Odyssey monitor is shown, and then zooms in on a corner of the Aurora rainbow circle around its connection point. The view transitions to the bottom of the monitor and spins to show the top of the monitor from an aerial view and then the side of the monitor. The back of an Odyssey monitor is shown, and then zooms in on a corner of the Aurora rainbow circle around its connection point. The view transitions to the bottom of the monitor and spins to show the top of the monitor from an aerial view and then the side of the monitor.

讓你由嘆為觀止的出色 OLED 畫質

OLED 顯示屏及Neo Quantum 處理器

透過先進的 Neo Quantum 處理器,OLED 面板上的每一幀都會對畫面立即進行分析和優化,以呈現出最高畫質。顏色、陰影和對比度一體性更強,時刻為你帶來明亮而絢麗的畫面。

Samsung Neo Quantum Processor is shown with the square chip label in the middle. And it transitions to show a nighttime scene from the Lost Ark game on the screen, zooming out on an abandoned lighthouse under the moon and surrounded by trees. The screen is angled to the left. Samsung Neo Quantum Processor is shown with the square chip label in the middle. And it transitions to show a nighttime scene from the Lost Ark game on the screen, zooming out on an abandoned lighthouse under the moon and surrounded by trees. The screen is angled to the left.


支援 DisplayHDR True Black 400



更廣闊視野的 Ultra WQHD

具有 21:9 比例的 Ultra-WQHD 顯示屏包圍你的外圍裝置,讓你在作戰、比賽等遊戲時擁有更廣闊視野,讓你可在對手作出反應前可先聲奪人。


0.1ms 反應時間和 175Hz 刷新率

比其他人更快地閃避、反擊和作戰。OLED 技術以極快的 0.1 毫秒的反應時間和 175Hz 刷新率,締造出近乎即時的反應時間,讓你在電光火石間的對決帶來勝利。


支援 AMD FreeSync Premium

激烈的動作畫面變得流暢無縫。透過 AMD FreeSync Premium 可穩定地投射快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。


Smart TV 體驗

只需簡單地連接 Wi-Fi ,即可讓你在打機馬拉松中稍作小休,然後收看不可錯過的串流媒體內容。

The monitor shows media home and then transitions to a video streaming app where a brief clips of shows is played. When the two clips of shows are played, sound effect comes from the lower sides of corner. An astronaut runs in the scene. And there are Apple TV+ and the For All Mankind logo. The monitor shows media home and then transitions to a video streaming app where a brief clips of shows is played. When the two clips of shows are played, sound effect comes from the lower sides of corner. An astronaut runs in the scene. And there are Apple TV+ and the For All Mankind logo.

* 應用程式可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同,並且可能需要另行訂閱。 * 需連接互聯網,不包括電視調諧器。 * Samsung TV Plus 不支援香港地區。



調暗燈光、設置溫度、拉下百葉簾,所有這些都可透過 SmartThings 一體式來為你營造完美的遊戲環境,你甚至可以啟動 Bixby 進行語音控制。讓你可專注顯示屏,迎來勝利。

A home office is shown on the screen. A word bubble appears that reads ""close the blinds"" and then the blinds icon is highlighted, followed by the window blinds coming down. Next, the lamp icon is highlighted and the lamp turns on, casting light down the back wall. A home office is shown on the screen. A word bubble appears that reads ""close the blinds"" and then the blinds icon is highlighted, followed by the window blinds coming down. Next, the lamp icon is highlighted and the lamp turns on, casting light down the back wall.

* 可用技術、功能和特性可能因國家、服務供應商、網絡環境或產品而有所不同,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 * 需要 Wi-Fi、藍牙或其他無線網絡連接以及註冊到 SmartThings 應用程式的裝置。 * 需要單獨的 SmartThings 加密狗才能連接到 Zigbee 裝置。 (不支持連接到 Z-Wave 裝置) * 連接的裝置需另行購買。如需完整兼容裝置列表,請查看 https://www.smartthings.com/products。 * Amazon、Alexa 和所有相關標誌是 Amazon.com, Inc. 或其附屬公司的商標。 * Bixby 語音指令可識別英語(美國/英國/印度)、法語、西班牙語、德語、意大利語、葡萄牙語(BR)、中文(僅限中國大陸)和韓語。


支援 USB Type-C

USB type-C 插口讓你只需一條連接線,便可在裝置間啟動、傳輸數據,甚至發送顯示訊號。單一的連接方式,使檯面 PC 的線材擺位更為簡約整潔。




  • * USB Type-A 裝置可透過 USB Type-C 轉 USB Type-A 適配器連接起來(必須另行購買)。



以銳利的外型提升你打機空間的格調。 Odyssey G8 OLED 採用高階而時尚金屬飾面,最薄處僅為 3.9 毫米,無與倫比的外型設計可完全滿足你的時尚品味。

The sleek edge of the Odyssey monitor with a blacked-out screen is shown. The camera rotates a view of the top edge of the monitor, followed by the side edge, and then the top of the monitor with an aerial view of the rainbow ring around the connection point in the back. The sleek edge of the Odyssey monitor with a blacked-out screen is shown. The camera rotates a view of the top edge of the monitor, followed by the side edge, and then the top of the monitor with an aerial view of the rainbow ring around the connection point in the back.


CoreSync 核心照明設計+

提升屏幕環境氣氛。透過 CoreSync 技術,遊戲的屏幕顏色會投射到現實世界中,使遊戲世界躍現在你身邊,讓你更為沉浸投入。全新的核心照明設計+,可為你的設定加添耀眼的色彩,即時令你所身處的環境氛圍一轉。

A closeup of the back of an Odyssey monitor is shown. Three icons float across the bottom, which read, “Comet, Aurora, and Aurora Rotation” from left to right. The connection point shows a blue ring around it while Comet is highlighted, followed by a rainbow ring while Aurora is highlighted. A closeup of the back of an Odyssey monitor is shown. Three icons float across the bottom, which read, “Comet, Aurora, and Aurora Rotation” from left to right. The connection point shows a blue ring around it while Comet is highlighted, followed by a rainbow ring while Aurora is highlighted.





  • 屏幕尺寸 34"
  • 刷新率 175 Hz
  • 反應時間 0.03ms(GTG)
  • 處理器 Neo Quantum



產品支援 查看更多內容
  • User Manual
    英文, 越南文, 阿拉伯語, 葡萄牙語, 法語
  • e-Manual
    英文, 法語, 西班牙語, 葡萄牙語, 斯洛維尼亞語, 土耳其文, 匈牙利語, 波蘭語, 希臘語, 保加利亞語, 克羅地亞語, 捷克語, 斯洛伐克語, 羅馬尼亞語, 塞爾維亞語, 德語, 荷蘭語, 瑞典文, 丹麥語, 挪威語, 芬蘭語, 意大利語,  拉脫維亞語, 立陶宛語, 愛沙尼亞語, 俄文, 烏克蘭語, 哈薩克語, 希伯來語, 阿拉伯語, 印尼語, 波斯語, 越南文, 中文



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