Do I need a Samsung account to download an App?

Last Update date : Jun 15. 2022

Having a Samsung account allows you to download content and applications by simply logging in. If you want to download Galaxy Store applications, you must be logged in to your account. However, some content such as Galaxy Essentials, can be downloaded without logging in.

Yes, but first you must log out of the Samsung account that is active and then log in with another account. To do this, tap “Menu,” tap the settings icon, tap “Samsung account,” and tap “Sign out.”

To log in again, please follow the same steps that you used to log out.

Note: If there is data (Samsung Cloud, Samsung Pay etc.) connected to the Samsung account from which you are logging out, it will be deleted from the device.

If you do not remember your Samsung account and password, you can find your ID or reset your password on the Samsung Account website.

After logging in to Galaxy Store, to change your password, tap “Menu,” tap the settings icon, tap “Samsung account,” tap “Security and privacy,” tap “Password,” tap “Change,” and then enter your new information and tap “Save.”

Nota: If you change your password, you will be logged out of all devices connected to your Samsung account. You must log in on these devices to synchronize data for contacts, SmartThings, Samsung Pass, and more.

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