5G North America, Austin, TX
Apr 17. 2018Samsung is vigorously expanding our business boundaries in the US. During 5G North America, to be held in Austin, we will share with you our business strategies and visions for 5G as well as address the industry's questions about 5G business models.
Samsung Speakers
Juha Lappalainen (VP of Technology Solutions) |
Keynote The Network Architecture Transition to 5G |
May 15 (Tue.) 12:00 - 12:20 |
Derek Johnston (Dir Marketing) |
5G Enterprise Use Cases | May 15 (Tue.) 14:50 - 15:10 |
Nivi Thadasina (Sr Dir Engineering) |
Panel Discussion The Evolution of RAN |
May 15 (Tue.) Day 1, 15:10 – 15:50 |
For more Information about 5G NA
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