What 5G and security have in common with dragons
Apr 09. 2020On this episode of Recalibrate with Samsung Networks, host Jason Claybrook sits down with the Samsung Knox team including Keith Fuentes, Reid Estreicher and Yasir Aziz to discuss security, 5G’s future for companies, and which industries stand to benefit the most with this new technology. For many, 5G is still a mysterious force, one that Keith Fuentes compares to a dragon, whose true potential and impact is yet to be solidified. The team discusses how mobile security evolved from laptops, the security of personally identifying data, and the fascinating landscape of connected health monitors such as wearable heart rate monitors. Jason Claybrook leads the discussion about common security myths, including what products can and cannot do in terms of securing data, ensuring productivity, or operating autonomously. Finally, the team dives into trucking company pain points that can be solved with 5G technology and enabled devices, and the four describe what a truck driver's job could look like with this level of connectivity.
Jason Claybrook - Host
Keith Fuentes - Samsung Software Sales
Reid Estreicher - Senior Manager, B2B Mobile Marketing, Samsung Electronics America
Yasir Aziz - Samsung Software Sales
Don't Miss These Discussion Topics:
01:30 | So what do dragons have to do with it? |
02:00 | Companies should get more effective with adapting to new technologies. |
03:30 | What is the Knox security team? |
04:10 | Security in personal health devices. |
05:10 | The industry is often slow to learn from history and respond to security threats. |
05:45 | Samsung was among the first to consider hardware security in the smartphone world. |
07:05 | Use case: health monitor data affecting health insurance. |
09:45 | Security gives us confidence and lets us live freer lives knowing our data is protected. |
12:00 | The power of wearable health monitoring with secure data transfer mechanisms. |
13:20 | Dispelling 5G security myths. |
15:00 | Securing Driverless/semi-autonomous car data. |
16:00 | How do you protect ‘Data,’ the new goldmine? |
18:50 | Device ‘persona environments.’ |
20:50 | People don’t buy devices, they buy solutions. |
26:30 | Generational impact on the new digital workforce and user base. |
28:50 | Example: digital user experience inside hospitals attracting patients and staff. |
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