Signing of Supply Contract
Sep 07. 2020

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Samsung Electronics America Inc., a fully-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KS005930, KS005935, SMSN, SMSD) (“SEC”), signed a radio network solution supply contract with Verizon Sourcing LLC on September 4, 2020 (Korean local time).

- Contract amount1): KRW 7,898,280,000,000
- SEC sales in the latest fiscal year2): KRW 230,400,881,000,000
- Contract amount as a percentage of SEC sales in the latest fiscal year: 3.43%
- Counterparty: Verizon Sourcing LLC
- Sales/supply region: United States of America
- Term of contract: June 30, 2020–December 31, 2025

1) Calculated using 1,189.5 KRW/USD, the closing trade-based exchange rate on September 04, 2020; rounded off to the nearest million; the contract amount for the purchase, installation and maintenance of Samsung network equipment is subject to satisfaction of certain conditions.
2) Based on FY 2019 consolidated financial statements; rounded off to the nearest million.