Listing Information

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Original Shares
& GDRs

Samsung Electronics' original shares are listed on the Korea Exchange (KRX).
Our GDR common shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and our GDR preferred shares are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE).

Ticker Symbols

Ticker Symbols
Exchange Original shares GDRs
Common Preferred Common Preferred
KRX 005930
ISIN: KR7005930003
ISIN: KR7005931001
- -
ISIN: US7960508882
LuxSE - - - SMSEL
ISIN: US7960502018


There were 6,792,669,250 total shares outstanding as of the end of the second quarter, 2024.
  • Common shares: 5,969,782,550 (87.9%)
  • Preferred shares: 822,886,700 (12.1%)
5,969,782,550 87.9%
822,886,700 12.1%
6,792,669,250 100%
Common 87.9%. Preferred 12.1%
Number of shares Outstanding & treasury stocks of Samsung Electronics for the recent 5 years
Year Shares outstanding Treasury shares
Common Preferred Total Common Preferred Total
May 4, 2018 6,419,324,700 903,629,000 7,322,953,700 449,542,150 80,742,300 530,284,450
Dec 4, 2018 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
2018 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
2019 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
2020 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
2021 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
2022 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
Dec 2023 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -
June 2024 5,969,782,550 822,886,700 6,792,669,250 - - -

Listing date of new share(50:1 stock split) certificates : May 4, 2018

Cancellation date of all existing treasury shares : Dec 4, 2018