[Galaxy S8/S8+]Why do mouse drag and double click does not work in Dex mode?

Last Update date : Apr 21. 2022

Step 1. Open Playstore.

Samsung is aware of this symptom and this symptom may occur on S8/S8+ that the latest version
Chrome (V58) is installed.

( Note: Google Chrome browser is in charge of parts related to HTML on Email application)


Regarding this, Google will release improved next Chrome Browser version to resolve these symptoms.


Samsung is committed to providing the best possible mobile experience to customers.


Temporarily before releasing of improved Chrome version, if you uninstall the current Chrome you can use all functions of Email again normally. For this, search for the Chrome browser on Play Store and uninstall it.


After then, preloaded Chrome version is activated and the issue will be disappeared.






Step 2. Tap Uninstall.


Step 3. Confirm the uninstall.






After then, preloaded Chrome version is activated and the issue will be disappeared.

Thank you for your feedback!