When should you place food in your new Samsung refrigerator?

Last Update date : 2023-11-02

We understand your excitement about getting your new Samsung refrigerator up and running. However, before you start filling it with food, it's important to follow a simple rule.


Once you've plugged in your refrigerator, it's good practice to exercise a bit of patience. Wait for approximately two hours to ensure that your fridge has had enough time to reach and maintain its cooling temperature. During this time, the refrigerator settles into its optimal cooling state. If you're planning to store warm food, there's no need to worry. Just keep in mind that when hot and cold air come into contact, condensation is likely to form. So, if you notice some condensation after stashing away your leftovers, there's no cause for concern.

Here's a few more tips to share as you begin your fridge journey to help it perform at its best, and save you energy.

1 Start by filling your fridge about 2/3rds full, even if that's just filling it up with water bottles until you can get proper food in there. It's easier to keep food and beverages cold than it is to keep the air cold, especially since you let all the cold air out every time you open the door.
2 But don't stock the fridge to the brim! Some airflow is needed in and around the items in the fridge, especially the vents at the back of the compartment. That's where the warm air gets sucked out, so if you block that off, you'll have issues.
3 Similarly, in fridges with a pull-out freezer drawer, don't stock items to the very ceiling of the freezer as that also causes lack of airflow issues, which can lead to frost.
4 It may be tempting when you need just a little bit more room for your frozen goods, but don't store food in the ice bucket! This can damage your ice maker.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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