Using Easy Mode on my Samsung Phone

Last Update date : 2024-01-03

Need help setting up or using Easy Mode on your Galaxy device? Simply follow the guide below for step-by-step instructions.

Samsung Mobile
1 Head into your Settings > Display
Tap on Display
2 Tap on Easy Mode
Tap on Easy Mode
3 Toggle on or off Easy Mode
Toggle on Easy Mode
4 Once Easy Mode has been activated, you will notice the screen size & font will increase
Viewing Easy Mode settings
1 Head into the Settings > Accessibility
Select Accessibikity
2 Select Visibility enhancements
Select Visibility enhancements
3 Toggle on the Magnifier window
Tap Allow
4 Choose how to start this function
choose how to start the function
5 Tap Allow to the popup permissions
Allow the pop up
6 Use the Zoom function to zoom into text

Note: For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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