How to record or listen to voice recordings on your Galaxy watch

Last Update date : 2023-05-17

The Galaxy Watch is a useful tool that can keep you organized and productive throughout the day, not just a fashionable wristband accessory. The ability to capture and playback voice recordings is one of its significant features, making it a practical tool for taking notes, setting reminders, or even conducting interviews. You can quickly record and listen to voice recordings on your Galaxy watch no matter where you are by following the instructions in this guide on how to make the most of this function.

To record or play voice recordings follow the below steps:

1 Tap Voice Recorder on the Apps screen.
2 Tap Start to start recording. Speak into the Watch’s microphone. To pause the recording, tap Pause.
3 Tap End to finish recording. The recording will be saved automatically
4 To listen to the recorded sound, select a recording file and tap Play.
record screen on Galaxy watch

Tap Voice Recorder on the Apps screen. Select the mode you want.

1 This is the normal recording mode.
voice mode normal
2 The Watch records your voice for up to 10 minutes, converts it to text, and then saves it. For best results, keep the Watch near your mouth and speak loudly and clearly in a quiet place.
converts voice to text option

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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