How to solve an error when downloading an app from Galaxy Store

Last Update date : Jun 15. 2022

It is possible that when downloading an application from Galaxy Store you may encounter an error. There are several ways to solve this.

If an error occurs during the app installation and update stage, please try again after completing the following steps.

If the same error persists, please contact us by attaching the system log data through Galaxy Store. To do this, please follow these steps.

To download apps and resources to the device, it is recommended that you have at least 1.5 GB of free space or 2.5 times the app capacity. If there is no free space, the download may not be possible.

To check the device storage, please follow these steps.

  1. Open the phone’s “Settings” menu.
  2. Tap the “Battery and device care” option.
  3. Tap the “Storage” option and check the device storage.

Note:  The location and name of the “Settings” menu may be different depending on the country and device.

Please check if the network (mobile network or Wi-Fi) is connected successfully and try again. If the mobile network or Wi-Fi is turned off or there is poor service, access to Galaxy Store may not be possible. 

If the problem persists,

If the problem persists,

please contact us via Chat so that our agents can provide you with a solution

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