Galaxy S25 Ultra
await fetch('' + sitecode + '/products?productCodes=' + sku)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
console.log(data, 'json')
for (var c = 0; c < data.length; c++) {
if (data[c].stock != null) {
var stockLevels = data[c].stock.stockLevel;
if (stockLevels > 0) {
var stockmessgaecheck = document.querySelectorAll('.s-in-stock');
if (stockmessgaecheck) {
if (stockmessgaecheck.length > 0) {
var stockboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.s-option-storage li.hubble-product__options-list');
var stockbox = stockboxes[0].nextElementSibling;
var stockmessgae = document.createElement("span");
stockmessgae.setAttribute("class", "s-in-stock ico-type");
stockmessgae.innerHTML = '
Na sklade';
var selected = document.querySelectorAll('.s-option-storage .hubble-product__options-content li.hubble-product__options-list');
var parent = selected[0].nextElementSibling;
parent.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", stockmessgae); = 'block';
if (stockLevels == null) {
if (data[c].stock.stockLevelStatus) {
if (data[c].stock.stockLevelStatus == 'inStock') {
var stockmessgaecheck = document.querySelectorAll('.s-in-stock');
if (stockmessgaecheck) {
if (stockmessgaecheck.length > 0) {
var stockboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.s-option-storage li.hubble-product__options-list');
var stockbox = stockboxes[0].nextElementSibling;
var stockmessgae = document.createElement("span");
stockmessgae.setAttribute("class", "s-in-stock ico-type");
stockmessgae.innerHTML = ' Na sklade';
var selected = document.querySelectorAll('.s-option-storage .hubble-product__options-content li.hubble-product__options-list');
var parent = selected[0].nextElementSibling;
parent.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", stockmessgae); = 'block';
if (data[c].stock == null) {
var selected = document.querySelectorAll('.s-option-storage.hubble-product__options-content li.hubble-product__options-list .s-option-box');
if(selected.length> 0){
var active = selected[c].classList.contains("is-checked");
if (active) {
var parent = selected[c].nextElementSibling; = 'none';
var getproductskus = document.querySelectorAll(' input[data-typecode=OPT-015]');
var productsku = getproductskus[0].getAttribute('data-modelcode');
// Get the input box element
const inputBox = document.querySelector(` input[data-typecode=OPT-015]`);
const deviceBox = document.querySelector(' input[data-typecode=OPT-007]');
// Create a new MutationObserver instance
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
// Loop through each mutation in the mutations list
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
// Check if the mutation type is an attribute change
if (mutation.attributeName === 'data-modelcode' ) {
// Check if the changed attribute is on the input box
if ( === inputBox) {
// Log a message to the console
console.log('Input box attribute changed:', mutation.attributeName);
var getproductskus = document.querySelectorAll(' input[data-typecode=OPT-015]');
let sku = getproductskus[0].getAttribute('data-modelcode');
//console.log(sku, 'sku');
// Start observing the input box for attribute changes
observer.observe(inputBox, { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true , characterData: true , childList: true});