Change the song or album name in Samsung Music

Last Update date : Feb 05. 2024

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Samsung Music gives you the ability to customise your content by renaming songs or albums to your liking.

View of the main screen of Samsung TV Plus and an exclamation error symbol.

If you want to change the song or album name, just follow these steps:

1 Open your Samsung Music app and on your playback screen, select the more button, at the upper right corner of the screen.
2 Select the “Track details” option and tap “Edit”.
3 Now you can modify the artist’s name, song name and so on.

You can also change the album image through the “Change cover image” option in the more menu of the album details page.

Please note: Adding lyrics is not supported. For some songs, information and cover image modification may not be supported.

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.

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