
EASTER 4-day Sale

Save up to ₱2,000 on the Galaxy Buds+, Buds Live or Buds Pro

Valid from Apr 01. 2021 ~ Apr 04. 2021

Shop on Samsung.com and get these online exclusive deals

Promo Mechanics

1. Customer buys a Galaxy Buds Pro, Buds Live or Buds + from April 1-4, 2021, and the discounts as follows:
a. Buds Pro – 15% off / Php 1,500 off
b. Buds Live – 25% off / Php 2,000 off
c. Buds + - 33% off / Php 2,000 off
2. This offer can be combined with other promotions
3. This offer is not convertible to cash
4. Stocks are limited per store

Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-116789 Series of 2021.
Terms and Conditions apply.

Also available on Samsung authorized online partners