Crystal UHD Signage

QHB / QMB/ QBB serien

Oändliga skärmmöjligheter för din verksamhet

The top left of the close-up QxB appears. The front view of the QxB installed on the living room wall is shown. The disorganized appearance of various colors of paint is zoomed out, and QxB is installed on the wall of the store. There is a QxB installed in the lobby where the Floor Guide is exposed on the inscreen. In three environments, one QxB is installed vertically and two horizontally. The same screen is displayed, but the colors are displayed differently depending on the environment. The color is adjusted and the color of all screens is changed equally. QxB is installed on the wall of the conference room. QxB is installed on the wall of the restaurant. When zoomed out, QxB is installed in various environments such as shops, conference rooms, restaurants, cafes, and lobbies. QxB installed in the middle of a gray wall. In QxB, colorful screens are coming out. A SAMSUNG logo appears.

Oändliga skärmmöjligheter för din verksamhet

Uppkopplade, samverkande möten

Den trådlösa skärmdelningen möjliggörs av Crystal UHD-skyltar utan kabelanslutningar, vilket skapar ett mer samarbetsinriktat möte och gör det möjligt för deltagarna att snabbt växla mellan skärmar med ett enda klick.

QxB is installed on the wall of the conference room. The number of data displayed on the QxB screen changes. QxB, two laptops, two mobile phones, and two tablets are connected wirelessly.  On the QxB screen, Windows, android, iOS, macOS are written. In the conference room, four people are having a meeting while watching QxB. The data on the screen of QxB and the inscreen of the laptop changes identically in real time. To the right are the names Tony, Sunny, Alice, Chole, Tom, Jake, and Jimmy, and Tony's name is selected. A PPT is displayed on the QxB screen, and Tony's name is written on the top. The names Tony and Alice are selected. On the QxB screen, a PPT screen with Tony's name and a numerical chart with Alice's name are displayed. Tony, Alice, and Tom names are selected, and an Excel file with Tom's names is added to the left QxB. Sunny was additionally selected from Tony, Alice, and Tom, and Sunny's material was added to QxB.

Expertlägen för förbättrade miljöer

Minimera efterbearbetningen och gör regissörens intentioner möjliga med Director Mode, medan DICOM Simulation Mode gör det möjligt för medicinska team att simulera bilder som uppfyller DICOM:s fullgråskalestandarder.

  • * DICOM® – Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine – är den internationella standarden för medicinska bilder och relaterad information.
  • ** DICOM Simulation Mode är endast avsett för referens och icke-diagnostisk användning.

Förenklad kalibrering med mobilapp

Med hjälp av Samsungs mobilapp säkerställer Smart Calibration att varje skärm är korrekt kalibrerad, och visar märkeslogotyper och annat liknande i exakt de färger som krävs.

Three QxBs are installed in the shop window. The same female model appears on the screen, but the colors are subtly different. Red, pink, and purple circles appear in the center of the screen. The Calibration App runs on the smartphone and performs color adjustment. As the app disappears and the colors of the red, pink, and purple circles in the middle of the screen change, the colors in the circles on the three screens all change to pink. The circle disappears and the colors on all three screens change equally. The screen is zoomed out and three QxB screens installed in the shop window appear.

Enkel installation och konfiguration

När skärmen har installerats kan IT-proffs som driver flera enheter på olika platser ladda ner Tizen Zero Config via Tizen Business Manager utan att resa eller installera lokalt.

Three QxBs are installed in Before and After, respectively, and the two environments are being compared. Before, an administrator who operated multiple devices in multiple locations operated each device separately. After can be installed and configured as a remote app through Tizen Business Manager by administrators running multiple devices in multiple locations.

Gör varje visuell upplevelse till en positiv upplevelse

Framhäv uppseendeväckande innehåll med perfekt skärpa. Samsung Crystal UHD Signage ger fantastisk grafik med verklighetstrogna färger och lyfter varje del av innehållet till 4K med branschledande videobearbetningsteknik. Med tillförlitliga, bländfria paneler och en diskret design kan publiken se allt innehåll klart och tydligt, utan distraktioner.

The colorful paints are zoomed out and displayed on the screen of QxB. The screen changes to the shape of the bag lying on it. There is a chip in the middle on a natural background, and the Quantum Processor 4K text comes out largely. The Samsung Quantum Processor 4K chip appears to change the natural scenery and cosmetic advertisement images more clearly. QxB is installed on the wall of the lobby, and the Floor Guide is coming out.

Superslimmad design som maximerar utrymmet

Smala ramar och en symmetrisk design möjliggör sömlös integration i alla miljöer med förenklad montering och installation. För att maximera utrymmesbesparingar är alla terminaler vända utåt, vilket säkerställer att displayen hänger jämnt mot vilken vägg som helst.

A side view of the QxB. It gradually closes up and changes to a figure with the power connector on the back connected. It changes to the rear view without the power connector. On the wall, other products and QxB are installed side by side. In other products, the distance from the wall is increased due to the power connector, while the arrow indicates that the QxB is in close contact with the wall. The back side of QxB with other products is shown, other products disappear, and the rear connector line of QxB appears.

Höj nivån på din affärsmiljö

Samsung UHD Signage-modellerna

  • Upplösning

  • Tum (Storlek)

  • Driftstimmar

  • Ljusstyrka

  • Operativsystem

  • UHD (3840 x 2160)
  • 43,50,55,65,75
  • 24/7
  • 700 nit
  • Tizen 6.5
  • UHD (3840 x 2160)
  • 43,50,55,65,75
  • 24/7
  • 500 nit
  • Tizen 6.5
  • UHD (3840 x 2160)
  • 43,50,55,65,75
  • 24/7
  • 350 nit
  • Tizen 6.5

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Är du redo att uppgradera din verksamhet med Crystal UHD Signage?

Är du redo att uppgradera din verksamhet med Crystal UHD Signage?

Lämna ett meddelande så hjälper vi dig att ta första steget i utforskandet av Samsung Crystal UHD Skyltsortiment.