What are the codes for Samsung HotBlast Microwave Oven?

Last Update date : Jul 14. 2022

Check out the information codes available in HotBlast Microwave Oven. If the below suggested solution does not solve the problem, contact your Call Centre for further assistance.


Information code




• The temperature sensor is open
• The temperature sensor is short

Unplug the power cord of the oven, and contact

our Call Centre for further assistance


This code appears when the oven fails to sense the damper to open or close for 1 minute

Unplug the power cord of the oven, and contact

our Call Centre for further assistance


If there is no communication between the main and sub MICOM

Unplug the power cord of the oven, and contact

our Call Centre for further assistance


This code appears when the oven temperature high. In case the temperature rises over the limit temperature during operation of each mode. (Fire sensed.)

Unplug the power cord for cooling enough time, and restart the microwave oven


The touch key is malfunction

Press Stop to try again


The touch key is malfunction

Unplug the power cord to allow the device to cool. Clean the button if dust and water appears on the surface. When problem still persist, contact our Call Centre for further assistance

Read more for the Troubleshooting Guide.

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