Galaxy Watch5/Watch5 Pro Global Goals Band (M)

Galaxy Watch5/Watch5 Pro Global Goals Band (M)


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Align your band to the Global Goals

The Global Goals band comes with colorful adjustment holes and specialized stitching that represents the United Nation's 17 Global Goals. You'll also find the official Global Goals Logo engraved on the back of the band.

*Galaxy Watch5 sold separately.**Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Series or later.

Making a real difference in the world

Help us build a better world. 5%" of every Global Goals Band purchase will be donated to achieving the United Nations' 17 Global Goals, including ending poverty, world hunger, and fighting injustice and climate change around the world. Get the app to find out more about how you can make an impact.

*Galaxy Watch5 sold separately.**Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Series or later.

Global Goals theme - right on your watch face

We matched your dedication to the UN Global Goals with a special Global Goals watch face. Set it to digital or analogue as you like, and tap on the Samsung Global Goals icon on the watch face to learn more about the 17 Global Goals.

*The Global Goals watch face must be downloaded separately.

Building a brighter future on the go

Make the world a better place right from the Galaxy Watch on your wrist using the Samsung Global Goals app downloadable on Google Play. Revenue generated from ads or wallpapers you see will automatically be donated to the Global Goals movement. A super easy way to help change the world.

*A Wi-Fi or LTE/5G network connection is required to download the Samsung Global Goals App on Galaxy Watch.



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