Tvättmaskin WW80CGC04CABEE AI Energy Mode 8 kg

Tvättmaskin WW80CGC04CABEE AI Energy Mode 8 kg


  • EcoBubble
  • Hygienic Steam
  • Bubble Soak

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  • Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric.
  • At the bottom left, SpaceMax™ feature is shown in icon. The depth of the washer drum has increased to 600mm, and the capacity has increased from 9kg to 11kg. It can wash even large duvet.
  • At the bottom left, SpaceMax™ feature is shown in icon. The depth of the washer drum has increased to 600mm, and the capacity has increased from 9kg to 11kg. It can wash even large duvet.
  • The AI ​​Energy Mode for Washer is activated by checking the mode button to 'On' and selecting the device you want to run on your smartphone. AI Energy mode reduces energy consumption up to 70% more than the 40ºC cotton cycle.
    SmartThings AI Energy Mode

Cares for clothes, saves energy

Powerful bubbles


Enjoy efficient cleaning, even at low temperatures. Ecobubble™ turns detergent into bubbles, so it quickly penetrates fabric and improves soil removal by up to 24%*. It reduces energy use by up to 70%** and protects the color and texture of clothes with up to 45.5%*** better fabric care****.

Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric. Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric.

* Based on the Performance Lab Test report by Springboard Engineering on EMPA strips, comparing a normal detergent solution and bubble technology without mechanical action. Individual results may vary.** Tested in accordance with IEC 60456-2010 / 4kg Wash Load / Super Eco Wash cold (WF80F5E5U4W) vs. Cotton 40°C without Eco Bubble (WF0702WKU). Individual results may vary.*** Based on EMPA test of 9kg model(WF906U4SAGD, Synthetics), With or without Bubble. Individual results may vary. **** Each data collected from individual tests.

Stylishly larger


Enhance your home and wash larger loads with a huge 11kg capacity in a standard 600mm cabinet. A simple and flat design blends seamlessly with modern interiors and kitchen furniture. SpaceMax™ technology also creates more space inside, so you can wash more, including big items like comforters.

Större insida, samma utsida


Tvätta mer på en gång med SpaceMax™ som tillåter en kapacitet på upp till 11 kg. Stilrent större med samma utsida.

Smart energy savings

SmartThings AI Energy Mode

Monitor and reduce the washer’s energy use. AI Energy mode* lets you check the power consumption and estimates your electricity bill. For courses that operate in AI Energy mode** it reduces energy use by up to 70%*** using Ecobubble™ to wash with cool water instead of warm and extra cycle time.

The AI ​​Energy Mode for Washer is activated by checking the mode button to 'On' and selecting the device you want to run on your smartphone. AI Energy mode reduces energy consumption up to 70% more than the 40ºC cotton cycle. The AI ​​Energy Mode for Washer is activated by checking the mode button to 'On' and selecting the device you want to run on your smartphone. AI Energy mode reduces energy consumption up to 70% more than the 40ºC cotton cycle.

* Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.** Can be applied when the selected washing temperature is 20~40°C.*** Based on internal testing on the WW11BB944AGB model in normal usage conditions.Results: Power consumption without AI Energy Mode = 0.539 KWh. Power consumption with AI Energy Mode = 0.145 KWh. Results may vary depending on the actual usage conditions.


Fräscha upp dina plagg med varmluft

Air Wash

Fräscha upp dina plagg på ett skonsamt sätt utan att använda vatten och tvättmedel. Air Refresh tar bort eventuella lukter och fräschar upp med hjälp av varmluft.


Durable & efficient

Digital Inverter Technology

Enjoy superior efficiency, minimal noise and a long-lasting performance. Digital Inverter Technology utilizes strong magnets for a quiet and powerful performance, but uses less energy than a universal motor. It also has the industry’s longest durability and warranty of 20 years* on the motor.

* As at May 2022. The 20 year parts warranty is only applicable to the inverter motor.

Smart, gentle washing

AI Ecobubble™

Enjoy more effective washing with AI Ecobubble™*. It creates bubbles that remove 24%** more soil even at low temperatures, saving 70% energy** and ensuring 45.5% better fabric care***. It also detects the fabric type and optimizes the amount of bubbles, washing time, temperature and spin speed.

* AI Ecobubble is only activated when specific courses are selected, including Cotton, Synthetics and AI Wash with loads less than 2kg.** Tested in accordance with IEC 60456-2010 / 4kg Wash Load / Super Eco Wash cold (WF80F5E5U4W) vs. Cotton 40°C without Ecobubble (WF0702WKU). Individual results may vary.*** Based on the Performance Lab Test report by Springboard Engineering on EMPA strips, comparing a normal detergent solution and bubble technology without mechanical action, tested on polyester fabric. Individual results may vary.

Effektiv tvätt, effektiva bubblor med AI-teknik

AI Ecobubble™

Tvätta mer effektivt och skonsamt med EcoBubble-teknik. Tekniken blandar tvättmedlet med vatten och luft vilket skapar ett lödder som tränger in i textilfibrerna. Detta avlägsnar upp till 24%* mer smuts och fläckar. Det innebär att du tvättar lika effektivt vid låga temperaturer ned till 15° C, som vid högre temperaturer. Tack vare EcoBubble kan du därför minska din tvättmaskins energiförbrukning med upp till 70%,* jämfört med en Samsung-modell utan EcoBubble-teknik. Tekniken skyddar även plaggens färg och textur upp till 45% bättre**. AI EcoBubble är en intelligent funktion som utöver de energibesparande fördelarna även läser av din tvätt och känner av tvättmängd, plaggets material samt hur smutsig din tvätt är. Därmed anpassas mängden lödder, tvättid, temperatur, centrifugeringshastighet och antal sköljningar till just din tvätt så att tvättcykeln blir så effektiv och skonsam mot dina kläder som möjligt.

*Procentsatserna baseras på ett jämförelsetest mellan två tvättmaskiner med olika tvättprogram: 1. Tvättmaskin Samsung WF80F5E5U4W med 4 kg last och programmet ”Wash Load, Super Eco Wash cold” med EcoBubble kontra 2. Tvättmaskin Samsung WF0702WKU med programmet ”Cotton 40°C” utan EcoBubble. Individuella resultat kan variera. Testad i enlighet med IEC 60456-2010.
** Baserat på Performance Lab-testrapporten från Springboard Engineering på EMPA-remsor, som jämför en normal tvättmedelslösning och bubbelteknologi utan mekanisk verkan, testad på polyestertyg. Individuella resultat kan variera.


Hygienisk ångrengöring

Hygiene Steam

Passa på att rengöra kläderna på djupet med hjälp av ånga. När du kör Samsungs ångtvättprogram Hygiene Steam släpps det ut ånga genom botten av tvättrumman. Detta hjälper till att avlägsna ingrodd smuts, allergener så som kvalster* och upp till 99,99% av alla bakterier**.

*Baserat på Interteks rapport för hygienisk ångcykel. **Baserat på testrapport från Intertek. Hygienisk ångcykel avlägsnar 99,9% av Staphylococcus aureus och Escherichia coli. Individuella resultat kan variera.

Hur man mäter

Effektiv tvätt, effektiva bubblor


Tvätta mer effektivt och skonsamt med EcoBubble-teknik. Tekniken blandar tvättmedlet med vatten och luft vilket skapar ett lödder som tränger in i textilfibrerna. Detta avlägsnar upp till 24%* mer smuts och fläckar. Det innebär att du tvättar lika effektivt vid låga temperaturer ned till 15° C, som vid högre temperaturer. Tack vare EcoBubble kan du därför minska din tvättmaskins energiförbrukning med upp till 70%,* tekniker skyddar även plaggens färg och textur upp till 45% bättre**.

Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric. Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric.

*Procentsatserna baseras på ett jämförelsetest mellan två tvättmaskiner med olika tvättprogram: 1. Tvättmaskin Samsung WF80F5E5U4W med 4 kg last och programmet ”Wash Load, Super Eco Wash cold” med EcoBubble kontra 2. Tvättmaskin Samsung WF0702WKU med programmet ”Cotton 40°C” utan EcoBubble. Individuella resultat kan variera. Testad i enlighet med IEC 60456-2010.
** Baserat på Performance Lab-testrapporten från Springboard Engineering på EMPA-remsor, som jämför en normal tvättmedelslösning och bubbelteknologi utan mekanisk verkan, testad på polyestertyg. Individuella resultat kan variera.

Save more with eco-conscious washing

A 10% Extra Energy Saving

Wash clothes for less and reduce your carbon footprint. Samsung’s range of washing machines includes models that offer -10% energy efficiency*. Their advanced technologies intelligently optimize the washing performance and reduce the wash time and energy use. And they have a 20 year warranty.

* Applicable models only.

Övervaka och minska energiförbrukningen



10% lägre energiförbrukning än EUs energiklass A*

SmartThings* AI Energy Mode**

SmartThings AI Energy Mode

Att aktivera SmartThings* AI Energy Mode** kan minska din beräknade månatliga energiförbrukning med upp till 70%***. Detta genom att växla enheten till energisparläge från ett förinställt program. Energibesparingen möjliggörs genom att tvättmaskinen förlänger tvättcykeln och tvättar med kallt vatten istället för varmt. Detta gäller när den valda tvättemperaturen är mellan 20 och 40°C.

The AI ​​Energy Mode for Washer is activated by checking the mode button to 'On' and selecting the device you want to run on your smartphone. AI Energy mode reduces energy consumption up to 70% more than the 40ºC cotton cycle. The AI ​​Energy Mode for Washer is activated by checking the mode button to 'On' and selecting the device you want to run on your smartphone. AI Energy mode reduces energy consumption up to 70% more than the 40ºC cotton cycle.

*Tillgänglig på Android- och iOS-enheter. En Wi-Fi-anslutning och ett Samsung-konto krävs.
**Resultaten kan variera beroende på användningsförhållandena och jämfört med fabriksinställningarna.
***Baserat på oberoende test av Intertek på modellen WW11BB944AGB. Resultat: Strömförbrukning utan AI Energy Mode = 0,539 KWh. Strömförbrukning med AI Energy Mode = 0,145 KWh. Resultaten kan variera beroende på faktiska användningsförhållanden.


Reduces microplastic

Less Microfiber Cycle

Help to protect the environment by preventing clothes from shedding microplastics, which are discharged into the ocean. By optimizing the motor’s revolution speed and washing intensiveness, the Less Microfiber cycle reduces the amount of microfiber released into the environment by up to 54%*.

* Based on testing by the Ocean Wise Plastics Lab using a 2kg load of 100% polyester hoodies, comparing the Synthetics cycle on a Samsung conventional model WW4000T and the Less Microfiber cycle on the WW7000B. Results may vary depending on the actual clothes and usage conditions.

Intensive cleaning

Bubble Soak

Get your clothes spotlessly clean, even if they are really dirty. The Bubble Soak function helps remove a wide variety of stubborn stains, like blood, tea, wine, make-up and grass. Clothes are thoroughly soaked in active bubbles, so dirt and stains are loosened and can be removed effectively*.

* Tested in accordance with IEC 60456 5th edition / 8kg Wash Load / Bubble Soak Wash vs. Cotton 40/60°C, Synthetic 60°C, and Denim 40°C without Bubble Soak.


Hygienic cleaning

Hygiene Steam

Give clothes a deep and hygienic clean. Hygiene Steam releases steam from the bottom of the drum. It removes ingrained grime and 99.9% of bacteria* and inactivates allergens derived from house dust mites**. Hygiene Steam reduces exposure to house dust mite, cat, dog, grass pollen and fungi***.

* Based on the Intertek test report for the Hygiene steam course. Removes 99.9% of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Individual results may vary.** Based on the Intertek test report for the Hygiene steam course. *** Based on The British Allergy Foundation (BAF) test report for the Hygiene Steam course, Allergy UK considers that this product will, in proper use, reduce exposure house dust mite, cat, dog, grass pollen and fungi.

Hygienically clean

Drum Clean

Keep the inside of your washer hygienically clean, while saving money. Drum Clean removes 99.9% of odor-causing bacteria* from the drum, without using detergent, by utilizing a combination of soaking, pulsating and high speed spinning. And it automatically notifies you when it needs cleaning**.

* Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) from the inside of the washer. Based on testing by Intertek of the Drum Clean cycle.** Provides a notification after every 40 cycles.

Cleans away residue

StayClean Drawer

Stop wasting detergent and avoid the tedious task of cleaning the detergent drawer. The StayClean Drawer ensures that more of the detergent is washed away with a specially designed water flushing system. So there is less unsightly soap residue and the tray stays clean and hygienic.


Hållbar och effektiv prestanda

Digital Inverter Technology

Njut av effektivitet, mindre buller* och långvarig prestanda.** Digital Inverter-teknologin använder starka magneter för tystare* och kraftfullare prestanda jämfört med en universalmotor.* Samsung tillhandahåller 20 års garanti på den digitala inverteringsmotorn.**

*I allmänhet är brusreduceringen 5 dBA respektive 3 dBA för tvätt- och centrifugeringscyklerna. Data baseras på ERP-märkning, F500 8kg 1400rpm WF80F5E5P4W med en digital inverteringsmotorn och Vistula 8kg 1400rpm WF1804WPC med en universalmotor.
**Från 1 juli 2022 gäller en 20års reservdelsgaranti från inköpsdagen. Garantin gäller endast nämnd komponent, den digitala invertermotorn, på tvättmaskiner och torktumlare som säljs inom EU, och omfattar inga andra kostnader såsom arbetskostnader, frakt eller installation.

Do the SmartThings at Home

Connect your life with SmartThings

Wi-Fi Embedded

Enjoy efficient, hassle-free washing using the SmartThings App*. ‘Energy’ helps manage energy use. ‘Home Care’ keeps the washer in the best condition. And, if you have a matching dryer, a suitable drying course is suggested after a wash when you press the Auto Cycle Link button on the dryer**.

* Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.** Auto Cycle Link is only available when activated in the SmartThings App and both the washer and dryer are paired and connected to Wi-Fi.

SmartThings Energy

Efficient energy use. Smart savings.

Manage your energy usage to reduce your carbon footprint and save money. SmartThings Energy* provides energy efficiency tips. It also monitors the energy consumption of appliances** in real-time and compares it to the previous month. And it alerts you if your monthly targets might be exceeded.

* Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.** SmartThings Energy currently works with around 40 Samsung home appliances that are SmartThings enabled. These include washing machines, clothes dryers, dish washers, air conditioners, air purifiers, vacuum cleaners, ovens, hoods, cooktops, microwave, TVs (from June 2022) and energy meters.

SmartThings Home care

Smart maintenance. Easy upkeep.

Take care of your washer or dryer much more easily. SmartThings Home Care* notifies you when parts need replacing and helps troubleshoot problems. It also shows you how to update the software of services and devices. And it provides useful tips on using your appliance, as well as a user manual.

* Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection is required.

How to measure


  • Tvättkapacitet (kg) 8.0 kg
  • Bubbel-teknik Bubbel-teknik
  • Energieffektivitetsklass A
  • Nettodimension (BxHxD) 600 x 850 x 550 mm
  • Nettovikt 65 kg


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