Smart energy
optimization and

Meet Samsung's unique features
to intelligently reduce
your energy consumption

All-in-one and Automated AI Energy Solution

AI Energy Mode

AI Energy Mode

Smart energy savings when SmartThings AI Energy mode is activated on smart appliances

10% more energy efficient than A Rated Washing Machines

10% more energy efficient than A Rated Washing Machines

20-year Durability

  1. Only available for smart appliances that are compatible with SmartThings. The SmartThings App is available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.

  2. Saving on Device utilizes AI (based on deep learning models).

  3. SmartThings Energy service will be available in 110 countries globally in 2024.

  4. SmartThings Carbon Intensity service will be available in 44 countries globally in 2024.

  5. SmartThings Station can be replaced by Button in countries without SmartThings Station.