
Differences Between a Microwave and a Conventional oven

At first glance, it might be hard to distinguish convection ovens from microwave ovens because they look quite similar.
However, there are many differences between a microwave and a conventional oven. The most obvious differences are the size, how it cooks food and quality.

Differences between
microwaves vs ovens
in detail

Here are the eight distinct differences between a Microwave and Conventional ovens.


Basic functions

The most easily-distinguished factors between an oven and a microwave are their features and functions.

  • Ovens or Smart Ovens like Samsung’s 32L Smart Oven Microwave are designed to bake and/or grill foods

  • Microwaves are for heating or reheating food only

If you like to bake a variety of pastries then a conventional oven is perfect for you. While the microwave is the right choice for heating food or leftovers.

Check out Samsung's collection of smart ovens here!


Cooking operation

What’s the difference between microwave and oven in cooking operation?

  • Ovens’ operation: Oven uses electricity or gas as a source of heat energy. The heating element in the oven converts energy into heat, which is then distributed evenly throughout the oven compartment to cook and process food.

  • Microwaves’ operation: A microwave uses microwaves (or super-fast electromagnetic waves). The microwave emits microwaves which are then absorbed by the food, then the water molecules in the food will vibrate and produce heat.


Heating time

Because these two have unique cooking methods, this also affects the heating speed.
The difference between microwave and oven in heating time:

  • Ovens’ heating time: the heating or cooking process tends to take longer because the heat spreads throughout the oven air before it heats the food.

    Also, the type of oven being used also affects the speed at which food is cooked. For example, electric ovens require a longer heating time than gas ovens.

  • Microwaves’ heating time: the microwave heating reaction is applied directly to the food so that the heating process happens rather quickly.

    Although it can't be used for baking, microwaves can heat food faster than any other type of ovens.


Power consumption

Microwave vs oven energy use: How much power do they consume?

  • Ovens: actually consume much less electricity than microwaves. However, due to the long heating process, the oven's power consumption also increases.

  • Microwaves: require a lot of electricity. However, because the heating process only takes a very short time, microwaves power consumption is way more efficient.


Food result and quality

Microwave vs oven: which is healthier?

  • Ovens: Ovens will start cooking the food from the outer part. This way, the food is cooked evenly with a crispy brown outer layer with a soft and tender inner texture. With ovens, you can reheat large portions or an entire casserole.

  • Microwaves: Are not designed to process or make food crispier. Hence, the results of the food heating process tend to be drier. This happens because the microwave itself removes moisture from the food.


Volume and capacity

  • Ovens: Have more size/volume variations and can range from small ovens used in households to large ovens often found in restaurants, bakeries and other food industries.

  • Microwaves: The core functions of a microwave are to only heat the cooked food. Hence, Microwave oven size is designed to be small with a volume of no more than 30 liters.


Food container safety

There is a big difference between the types of containers used in the oven and the microwave. Not every container material can be used in both kitchen utensils.

  • Ovens: Only use metal sheet pan, heat-resistant ceramic or aluminum foil pans. Regular glass containers are not safe to use in the oven because they are prone to shattering at high temperatures, of course not to mention any kinds of plastic-based containers.

  • Microwaves: You can use plastic containers to microwave as long as it has a microwave safe label. Glass containers can also be safely used in the microwave.

When in doubt, please check the labels on your food containers.


General price comparison between microwave and oven

It depends on the size, capabilities and capacity that you are looking for. However, microwaves have efficient power consumption, so they cost less than ovens in the long run to use.

Now that you know the differences between microwave vs oven, it's time to determine which one is the right choice for your everyday cooking needs. Samsung has a wide selection of solo microwave and microwave grill products, both for heating and grilling efficiently.

In case you are looking for an item that combines oven and microwave in one, you can explore more at our official Samsung Philippines!

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Samsung Philippines

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