My washing machine is not draining or filling. How can I fix this?

Last Update date : Aug 17. 2022

Attention : If even after following the procedures below, your problem is not resolved, please contact us via    WhatsApp  so that we can quickly diagnose your device and help you in the best possible way.


Note: This help content is only applicable to the product purchased from Indian retailers. If you require help for the products purchased from US, Kindly visit Samsung US support section and for other countries, kindly contact your local Samsung Subsidiary.

If your washing machine isn't draining or filling, the most likely cause is a clogged filter, or clogged or twisted hose. 


This may display as a 4C & 5C error message on your machine.

Watch below video if you are getting 5C error:-

Watch below videos to resolve 4C error:-

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