How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020
1 On the Home screen tap Apps.
2 Tap S Health (you may need to swipe left or right first to locate it).
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
3 Tap Next.
4 Tap in the box next to I agree and then tap Next.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
5 Tap Sign in and then enter your Samsung account details. (If you don't have a Samsung account you can touch Skip instead).
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
6 On the Create Profile screen tap in the Name box and enter your name. Tap Done when finished.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
7 Tap on your sex.
8 Use the up and down arrows to select your date of birth.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
9 If you do not wish to share your profile information with other S Health users tap in the box in the bottom left corner. Tap Next to move on to the Body Measurements screen.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
10 If you want to change the units from feet and inches to centimetres tap in the unit box next to the height numbers and select centimetres.
11 Tap on each number and then use the keypad to set your height. Tap Next when finished.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
12 Enter your weight just as you did for your height.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?
13 Tap Next.
14 Tap on your standard activity level and finally tap Next to finish creating your physical profile.
How do I set up my S Health profile on my Samsung Galaxy S5?

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