Samsung’s philosophy towards the Next Mobile Economy is based on four pillars of openness: Open yet Secure, Open yet Controlled, Open Customisation and Open Collaboration.
Open systems can be as secure, if not even more secure, than closed ones, as they are constantly being improved upon. They can adapt and evolve more quickly, making updating and responding to threats quicker. An all-in-one security solution like Samsung Knox allows for Open yet Secure mobile hyper-connectivity, freeing your workforce from their desks as well as outdated workplace tech, and enabling them to work on-the-go safely.
Control goes hand in hand with security. To ensure your workforce can work, research, manage, and share data freely, IT Managers need to easily control and update any device, from smartphones to an IoT sensor in a piece of equipment – and do so remotely. New generation Enterprise Mobility Management systems like Knox Manage , allow for Open yet Controlled management, where parameters can be set to decide how, where and when a device can be used, and what applications can be loaded.
But keeping up with the Next Mobile Economy isn’t always about building a new solution. Besides, you may not always be able to afford it. With Open Customisation, you can take an affordable off the shelf device and tailor it with Knox Configure in almost limitless ways. Alternatively, you can spend a lot of money and effort leveraging the knowledge, manufacturing power and R&D of your tech partners to build custom hardware.
It’s a fact that no single company can provide every single solution to everyone. That’s why it comes down to choosing the right partners for Open Collaboration. By identifying the ways in which you can add more value to your customers, you can then consider the technology partners who can best help you achieve that reality. At Samsung, we also work with our customers to solve real world business problems, letting them guide us on what to build and where to make our next investments.
So while security and control have never been more important, great care has to be taken to configure your infrastructure in a way that fosters collaboration, rather than impede it.
In a world that’s increasingly connected, mobile, nimble, and infused with new technologies, being open can only be a good thing. It will enable businesses to become more agile and creative, boost the flow of information, and unlock opportunities for businesses to reach their collaborative potential. This will in turn help you get the most out of your workforce, increase customer satisfaction, and help future-proof your business for the Next Mobile Economy.
For more insights on transforming your organisation, click here to watch our webinar, Thriving in the Next Mobile Economy: How Being Open is the Future of Your Business.
1 Source The Most Innovative Companies 2018