What is Silver Nano Health System in Washing Machine?

Last Update date : Oct 12. 2020

Silver Nano Health System

What is Silver Nano Health System in Washing Machine?

Generates silver ions that removes bacteria and fungus even in cold water. An invisible shield is created, defending your clothes and your washer against unwanted odors until your next wash


Bacteria & fungi are removed 99.9% by Silver Nano, therefore no further proliferation of germs will be affected.


Genuine sweat is odorless. But when saprophytes - a kind of bacteria - come into contact with a glycoside of sweat, a fatty acid which emits an unpleasant odor is produced. The silver ions kill and inhibit the growth of the saprophytes. Without these, sweat cannot decompose to emit an unpleasant odor.

What is Silver Nano Health System in Washing Machine?

Features may vary from model to model. So kindly consult your user manual for details about your product. 

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