What are the Advantages of Smart Oven?

Last Update date : Oct 12. 2020


Smart Oven has the following distinct advantages:


a). With the world’s first 2 dimensional barcode scanning system, and host of pre-programmed recipes, everyone can become a great cook. The scanner reads the smart codes printed on food packaging. The simple manual controls allow you to cook your favourite meal easily. Its smart and fast.


b). The smart oven comes with special safety locks to keep your precious little ones away from any danger


c). Designed by the renowned international industrial designer – Jasper Morrison, the smart oven is delightfully compact, but packs a lot more cooking space then others.

d). Four times faster than a conventional oven, the smart oven gives you the freedom to utilise your time for a far more important things.


e). The oven door is especially designed to be light with a soft and smooth open/close feature. So that opening the oven is as pleasurable as cooking in it is.

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