During Contact App usage an error pops up as "Contacts isn’t responding" in Galaxy Note 8?

Last Update date : Sep 16. 2020


Samsung is aware of this symptom which rarely appear on Note8 devices. Sometimes this could happen when certain applications were not updated to the latest version.



Samsung recommends following steps:


(A) Check if the Customisation Service application is updated to the latest version. (Latest version is or higher)


Navigate to Settings →  Apps →  More →  Show system apps →  Customisation Service →  Check for current version 


Pictorial representation of the above settings are as follows :


1. Go to Settings and Tap Apps.




2. Tap More.




3. Tap Show system apps.



4. Tap Customisation Service.




5. Check for Customisation Service Version




(B) Update Software Version (If Software version is below


Navigate to Galaxy Apps  More My apps Update Tap Customisation Service Update


Pictorial representation of the above settings are as follows :


1. Go to Galaxy App




2. Tap More and then Tap My apps




3. Tap Update




4. Tap Customisation Service




5. Tap Update




Also Samsung encourages users to keep software and apps updated to latest version, please check and update regularly.

Thank you for your feedback!