What is Portrait Dolly Feature ?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020


Portrait Dolly is an effect created when we capture image with human portraits using dual camera (Live focus). Effect shows foreground (Human Portrait) & scene behind the human portrait (background) zooming & moving with different speed.


Basically, It creates a video from a live focus image by Zooming in and out the background.


It has the facility to share the saved images and videos to any of the Social networking application like WhatsApp, Facebook etc.



Conditions to use Portrait Dolly

1 Single person in the scene with contrasting background in good lighting conditions.
2 Person should be within 1 meter distance from camera in upright position and Frontal Pose.
3 It will give better result if there is a distance between person and background.
4 No object should be available in front of the person


Note: Portrait Dolly works for Human portraits only. In case you are trying to capture live focus image of any non-human object you will get error. 

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