Unfolding the Future


Unfold the future: Rebecca Eu,
Founder of Mei's Own

At only 26 years old, Rebecca Eu is a seasoned hand in social enterprise, aiding survivors of sex trafficking with education and employment in the Philippines. Her social enterprise works with beneficiaries and local artisans to design and create homeware, providing a sustainable livelihood while preserving the art and heritage of the community. We had a chat with the young social entrepreneur to trace her journey and discover the inspiration that has shaped her to date.
What is your strongest memory of a lesson that has shaped the way you are now?
There are so many lessons, even now, that continue to shape who I am. I suppose a more distant one would be in 2002 when my late grandmother, Diana Eu, had an orchid named after – Aeridovanda Diana Eu. She was given this honour because of the work she did and it made me so proud. I remember thinking, “Wow. What an incredible woman she must be.” It stuck with me, long after she passed on, because it reminded me of the line of strong women I come from. I didn’t learn much about her non-profit work until much later but people continue to come up to me and tell me how much my grandmother did for their community. I am immensely proud to be her granddaughter. I hope that she will be proud of me too.

What was the best decision you made that you would like to share with young entrepreneurs?
My best decision was choosing to attend LASALLE School of the Arts Singapore and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Media and Industries. It helped me understand the world of fashion and how I could connect brilliant messaging with sustainability through Mei’s Own. Mei’s Own was a work in progress for me throughout my university life and I was heavily influenced by the amazing talent I was able to witness within my cohort, my lecturers and people in the industry who shared their passion and process with us.

Have you rewritten any rules to break any stereotype on young entrepreneurs?
I think there’s this perception that young entrepreneurs overwork themselves and everyone around them, they don’t understand management and care too deeply for things that have nothing to do with their business. I feel incredibly privileged to have had the opportunity to start a small business. I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. I am a woman in Asia after all. This is unchartered waters for most of us. Unfortunately, I do overwork myself sometimes but I do so with passion. I also set aside time to rest and read when I can. I never truly feel like this is work. Ultimately, the only stereotype I’ve been trying to break is that we don’t care enough about people. I care deeply for the community and I would label myself as a social worker before an entrepreneur.
What is your personal life philosophy, in 5 words or less?
Do what good people do.

How has technology changed your world?
Technology has helped me in so many ways, I don’t think that we can escape the idea of every industry being related to technology. For me, it’s allowed me to start my business, to build my brand, to provide an education, to bridge communication between borders and ultimately, connect with people I otherwise would never have the privilege of meeting.

As a woman donning many hats, how has the Galaxy Z Flip added value to your lifestyle?
Haha! It is such an amazing conversation starter. I say that because I am truly a little awkward when I am trying to start conversations with new people. The Z Flip carries a lot of my life in it. Being able to prop it up (hands-free) without any help has proven to be very useful when I’m multitasking and taking a zoom call. The clarity and vibrance of the camera allows me to snap many pictures and plan my social media calendar for Mei’s Own without any fancy equipment. I particularly love the fact that it fits ANYWHERE! I run several times a week and also have a penchant for small purses. It is incredibly convenient to carry around.

What are some developments or trends in your industry you’re keeping an eye on?
I keep an eye on the EduTech (Educational Technology) industry. I think 2020 has shown us how important technology and access to technology is. I am looking forward to a more advanced online platform for students. There are many exciting projects developing in this space. I am also keeping an eye on the demand for sustainability. Luxury seems to be taking a backseat this year but people are choosing to invest in things that last longer and to use more often.

What does Unfold the Future mean to you?
It means to embrace modernity and to move as quickly as the world around us.

Check out the Galaxy Z Flip that empowers Rebecca in her business and lifestyle.
Follow Rebecca on Instagram and find out more about Mei’s Own here.
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