Child Lock on Samsung Air Purifiers

Last Update date : 2023-05-02

Follow the general instructions below to get started if you want to enable or disable child lock on your Samsung air purifier. Please be aware that the information provided below is only a basic overview, and features may change based on the specific model of your air purifier. 

Generally, there will be a button that will have 'Lock (3 sec)' under it. If you press and hold the button for 3 seconds, child lock can be enabled or disabled. When child lock is enabled, a lock icon will light up on the air purifier's display.

For the BESPOKE Cube models, you will need to press and hold the power button for 3 seconds to lock or unlock the air purifier. When the device is locked or unlocked, the button is shown for 5 seconds on the front display.

Please be advised that the guide below is a general guide and features can vary depending on the model of your Air Purifiers. It is recommended that you refer to your user manual for more detailed instructions that are specific to your model.

Note: If you face any issue  you can call our contact center and our helpful agents will assist you.

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