What is Auto format in Samsung Notes?

Last Update date : 2024-02-29
Samsung Notes

While keeping the original text, title/ paragraph classification/ paragraph and sentence position adjustment/ spelling correction are added for easy viewing and automatic organization.

1 Handwriting Correction

Handwriting baseline and word equal interval correction, line equal interval correction, handwriting stick-out correction can be added

2 Auto Formatting

Organize efficiently with optimized format based on contents-type (memo, schedule, minutes)  Writing method: Text/Handwriting 

3 Cover Page Creation

Create cover page with title and summary of the note content by analyzing the note and classifying the category

It organizes text content of Notes automatically into a arranged paragraph format(Headers and bullets or Meeting notes..

You can select text content and then select the format to organize through AI menu on the bottom tool area.

Samsung Notes > Note assist > Auto format > select ①Headers and bullets or ②Meeting notes

Note: Supported languages for Auto format, Summarize, Generate Cover : English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Korean, German, Italian, Chinese(Traditional/Simplified),  Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Turkish, Rumanian, Dutch, Swedish, Czech,Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Hebrew,  Greek, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Norwegian, Slovak, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Latvian, Estonian, Bengali, Swahili(Africa)

Auto format

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