What to do if Bose SoundTouch is not responding?

Last Update date : Jul 15. 2022
Bose Touch

If your Bose SoundTouch is not responding, follow these steps:

1 Make sure the speaker is working in the Bose SoundTouch App. If it isn’t, refer to Boss Support
2 Reboot the hub

a. Tap Wi-Fi hub on home screen > Tap the picture of Wi-Fi hub device > Reboot Device > Reboot
b. If the Connect Home does not respond to the reboot command, hard reboot it by unplugging the power for 30 seconds
3 Update Bose SoundTouch’s firmware
4 Remove Bose SoundTouch from Connect Home and re-add (last resort)

a. On Samsung SmartThings home screen, tap Boss SoundTouch > tap More (3 vertical dots on the top right) > Edit > Delete device
b. To re-add Bose SoundTouch, tap + on the home screen > Add Device > Bose
5 Check the battery level. Change the battery when the level is low

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