NOL Pay application on Samsung phones

Last Update date : 2024-05-23
Nol pay application

What is a NOL card?  This is a transit card used to pay for transport in Dubai Metro, public buses, or even to enter Dubai public parks.
Nol Pay can be downloaded from the Play Store; otherwise, access and install it.

1 Go to Nol pay home page
2 Login with UAE pass
login with pass
3 Confirm on Authentication from UAE pass
Confirm  on the Authentication
4 You are logged in successfully
logged in
1 Open the nol pay app and tap on Get my nol card
2 Tap on Digitise my physical nol card
3 You will see a notification, informing you that you can only digitise a nol card if it is a silver or gold card. Tap on Next
4 Place your nol card on the back of your smartphone. The balance and travel passes on the physical nol card will be transferred to the digital nol card using Near Field Communication (NFC). Do not move your phone unless the card has been read successfully by the app.
5 Once the app has read the card, you will be notified that you can remove the physical card from behind the phone. You will also be informed that the physical card is not usable now and to click on continue to issue the digital nol card to your mobile.
6 It may take a few minutes for the digital nol card to be issued to your phone. Once it is complete, you will be notified by the nol pay app that the digital nol card has been successfully downloaded to your mobile.

Note: For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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