What is the maximum number of eSIM profiles I may download on my Galaxy device?

Last Update date : 2024-04-02

In the connected world of today, eSIM technology offers a practical method for controlling many profiles of mobile connections on a single device. However, there is a common query among users: How many eSIM profiles can you truly download at once? In this article, the limit and its significance for diverse users are discussed in depth. Understanding this feature of eSIM technology is crucial, whether you're a regular traveler, a professional wanting distinct lines, or just looking for connectivity flexibility. Let's investigate the details of eSIM profile restrictions and how they affect our online interactions.


How many eSIM profiles can I download?

1 On the device, it can download as many as 20 eSIM profiles. The maximum number of eSIM downloads, however, may be decreased due to the eSIM chip memory capacity on the device if the eSIM profile with a large size is downloaded based on the information capacity at eSIM activation.
2 The capacity of the Galaxy devices internal policy and capacity determine the number of eSIM profiles that can be downloaded, which is distinct from the number of eSIMs that can be opened.
3 If the memory capacity of the eSIM chip is 100, it can download up to 10 eSIM if the eSIM information size is 10, and up to 2 eSIM if the eSIM information size is 50.


  • Check Galaxy eSIM and supported network carriers.
  • If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you. 

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