Controlling the humidity in your vegetable crisper drawers

Last Update date : 2023-11-01

The crisper drawers on many Samsung refrigerators come with a Humidity Control setting. You can use this setting to preserve fruits and vegetables and keep them from spoiling. Depending on what types of fruits and veggies you're storing, you can use the different settings to keep food fresher for longer.

Humidity control wheel

High humidity

  • Generally, you'll want to use a high setting for leafy-green vegetables, anything that might wilt, or foods that are sensitive to moisture loss. As a rule, you should use this setting for items that are kept under water spritzers at the supermarket.
  • Some examples include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, strawberries, and herbs.


Low humidity

  • Some produce are not as sensitive to moisture loss, however, they do expel large amounts of ethylene gases. When those gases escape, some produce could rot prematurely
  • Some examples include: apples, pears, mangoes, papayas, cantaloupes, and avocados.


Adjusting the humidity level requires no more than the flip of a switch or the turn of a wheel. Since the adjustment is done mechanically, you can change the level quickly and easily and see the current setting at a glance. Simply move the adjuster slider or rotate the wheel left or right to the desired settings.


  • This feature is available for certain refrigerator models.
  • Based on the model supporting the feature, the humidity control method could vary between a wheel and a slider.
  • For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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