What temperature should I set my Samsung refrigerator to?

Last Update date : 2024-08-11

If your leftovers seem to spoil after one day or if ice cream is only fresh the first time you open the carton, then it's a clear indication that your refrigerator and freezer temperatures need to be adjusted. Luckily, adjusting the temperature isn’t too difficult, no matter which fridge model you own. You can also check the temperature using a thermometer if needed.

What temperature should I set my Samsung refrigerator to? What temperature should I set my Samsung refrigerator to?

 refrigerated food should be kept below 4°C, and frozen food should be kept below -19°C. Keep your refrigerator and freezer at these temperatures to make sure your food remains fresh. You may set the temperature higher only if you are not storing food in the refrigerator or freezer. On most models, the ideal temperature setting for the refrigerator is 3°C. For the freezer, the ideal temperature is -19°C, Some refrigerator models display the temperature using bars. On these models, the recommended setting is three lit bars for both the fridge and freezer compartments.

However, some models may have different recommendations on the control panel. Please check your user manual  for more information if you are unsure.

The best temperature for ice cream

​​The temperature for storing ice cream in your freezer will vary depending on your preference. For example, if you want harder ice cream, adjust the freezer to a cooler temperature. Likewise, if you want it a little softer, don't go below -19°C.

There are two simple tricks you can use to keep your ice cream fresh and creamy:

  • Do not store ice cream on or near the door where warm air will hit it every time you open the freezer. When ice cream melts and refreezes, it loses its creamy texture and does not taste as good. 

  • Place plastic wrap over the opening of the container before putting on the lid. This seals the container and prevents freezer burn.

Ice cream

To adjust the temperature on this kind of model, press the fridge or freezer button repeatedly until you reach the desired temperature. This will adjust the temperature down one degree (or one temperature bar) each time. After it reaches the lowest setting, it will cycle back to the highest.

Depending on the model, your fridge may come with a Power Cool function, which will speed up the cooling process. To activate this, press the Fridge button repeatedly until the Power Cool indicator lights up.

Navigating the fridge's settings on models with arrow icons is a little different from other fridges.

On the control panel, tap the left or right arrows to find the Fridge, Freezer, or FlexZone menu, and then tap the O button to select your desired menu. Then, continue tapping the arrows until you reach the setting that you want. Tap the O button to confirm. It may take some time for the compartment to reach the set temperature.

You can also use the Power Cool function on the Fridge and the Power Freezer function on the Freezer, which will speed up the cooling process in the compartments.

On these models, in addition to the regular Fridge and Freezer buttons, the freezer compartment can also be turned into a fridge compartment (or either compartment can be turned off). To change the compartment setting, touch and hold the Freezer Convert button or the Fridge On/Off button for three seconds to move to the next setting

If you are still having trouble adjusting the temperature of your fridge after reviewing the above sections, please check this What to do when Samsung Refrigerator has cooling issue

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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