Use the flashlight on your Galaxy phone

Use the flashlight on your Galaxy phone
Use the flashlight
The flashlight feature uses the phone's camera LED as a bright light that can illuminate the area around you.
To use the flashlight, open the Quick settings panel by swiping down from the top right of the screen. Next, tap the Flashlight icon to turn the light on or off.
Depending on your setup, you may need to swipe left to see the Flashlight icon. You can also rearrange the button order or add icons to the panel based on your preference.
Your XCover6 Pro’s flashlight can be activated instantaneously by pressing the XCover key or Top key. However, you must first program the keys in the Advanced features menu.
Adjust the brightness
Depending on the situation, you may need brighter or dimmer lights. Thankfully, your Galaxy phone's flashlight can be adjusted for that too.
Open the Quick settings panel by swiping down from the top right of the screen. Tap and hold the Flashlight icon. Turn on the flashlight by tapping the switch, and then adjust the slider to change the brightness level.

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