Samsung gallery: Creating albums

Last Update date : 2023-07-19

Do you want a convenient way to view your memorable vacation photos from last year? Albums provide a means to organize and categorize all your pictures and videos, ensuring effortless organization.

Gallery icon

You may have certain albums suggested to you or make them automatically, but you may also make your own albums. To learn how to make your own albums, follow the steps listed below.

Gallery app Gallery app

Step.1 Open the Gallery app.

Albums Albums

Step.2 Tap Albums.

Tap the plus icon Tap the plus icon

Step.3 Tap the + icon. It looks like three dots

Album option Album option

Step.4 Tap Album

Create Create

Step.5 Give your album a Name then tap Create

new album new album

Step.6 Your album will be added to the Albums section, Tap on your new album

Add items Add items

Step.7 Tap Add items

Tap Pictures Tap Pictures

Step.8 Tap Pictures

Tap on each picture that you would like to add to the album Tap on each picture that you would like to add to the album

Step.9 Tap on each picture that you would like to add to the album

Tap Done Tap Done

Step.10 Tap Done

Copy or move Copy or move

Step.11 Choose whether you would like to Copy or Move your pictures. Copying your pictures will save a second version of the image to your album. Moving your pictures will send the original image file to the album

Delete unwanted picture Delete unwanted picture

Step.12 If you accidentally included an image or decide you no longer want it in your album, you may remove it by pressing and holding the image you wish to get rid of.

Step.13 If you want to delete more than one image, tap each image that you want to delete then Tap Delete


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