How to clean your Samsung dishwasher effectively

Last Update date : Dec 19. 2023
A Samsung dishwasher with its door opened

Dishwashers, although designed to clean, also require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure optimal performance and longevity. It's easy to forget that this appliance, which does such a great job of cleaning your dishes, also needs a little care and attention. Regular cleaning can help improve your dishwasher's performance and reduce the need for repairs over time. Follow these tips for routine wipe-downs and deep cleaning to keep your dishwasher in top condition.

Caution: Avoid using bleach in dishwashers with a stainless steel interior, as it can damage or discolor them. Most of our dishwashers have stainless steel interiors.

Regular cleaning of your dishwasher should be carried out frequently, especially when you notice a buildup of debris, stains, or marks. Here are some steps to clean both the outside and inside of your dishwasher effectively:

  • For the exterior and control panel, gently wipe them down with a soft, damp cloth to remove any stains.

  • If your dishwasher includes a cutlery pad, flip it over after each use to keep it clean. Run the Self Clean cycle to remove white spots and odors from the pad, ensuring the dishwasher is empty and without detergent during this cycle.

  • For interior cleaning, place an 8-ounce cup of distilled white vinegar upright in the lower basket and run a Sanitize cycle. This cycle reaches 163 °F (73 °C) during the final rinse for optimal sanitization.

Note: The Sanitize feature is not available with Delicate and Rinse Only cycles. The Sanitize light blinks until the required temperature is reached. If it continues blinking, increase your water supply's temperature.

Discover more about the Self Clean cycle and other useful settings in our comprehensive guide.

It's advisable to perform a routine cleaning before starting a deep clean. Remove the nozzles and filter for the deep cleaning process, and soak them overnight in distilled white vinegar. This will help remove mineral deposits and grime, as well as eliminate any odors.

The filter and nozzle of a Samsung dishwasher are being soaked The filter and nozzle of a Samsung dishwasher are being soaked

Many Samsung dishwasher models feature a removable filter for easy cleaning. If your model includes this, follow the steps below. Otherwise, consult your user manual for specific instructions.

❶ Remove the lower rack.

❷ Rotate the filter handle counterclockwise to open the filter compartment.

❸ Take out the filter and filter door.

❹ Clean off any debris from the filter and door, and let them soak in distilled white vinegar overnight. Rinse under running water afterward.

❺ Reinstall the filter and filter door.

❻ Lock the filter door by turning the handle clockwise.

The filter of a Samsung dishwasher is being pulled out The filter of a Samsung dishwasher is being pulled out

Regular cleaning of the nozzles is essential for them to rotate smoothly and spray water effectively, ensuring your dishes are thoroughly cleaned. If these steps below do not match your model, refer to your user manual for the correct steps.

❶ Remove racks blocking the nozzle.

❷ Unfasten the nozzle cap (if present) by turning counterclockwise and remove the upper nozzle.

❸ Use a small brush to clean the nozzle. Soak it overnight in vinegar and rinse thoroughly, ensuring water flows through all holes.

❹ Reinsert the nozzle and secure the cap by turning clockwise. Check the nozzle's rotation for proper attachment.

The nozzle cap of a Samsung dishwasher The nozzle cap of a Samsung dishwasher

The drain pump, accessible in some models, can be reached by removing the drain filter. Clean it if there's debris causing noise or drainage issues. Refer to your user manual for specific instructions for accessing and cleaning the drain pump.

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