How to use diagnostics in the Samsung Members app

Last Update date : Feb 26. 2025

The Samsung Members app will help you pinpoint potential issues with your phone by performing diagnostic tests and providing useful troubleshooting articles. Maybe calls have had a lot of static lately or maybe the fingerprint reader has been a little finicky. Just run a test or find an appropriate article and then follow the provided instructions to figure out the root of the problem.

Samsung Support: How to self-diagnose your Samsung Galaxy Samsung Support: How to self-diagnose your Samsung Galaxy

Note: To make sure your phone is in tip-top shape, you can run diagnostic tests in the Samsung Members app. They will step you through key components on your phone and test them to see if they are working correctly.

1 Open the Samsung Members app on your phone, and then tap the Get help tab.
2 Tap Diagnostics near the top of the screen.
3 Tap on the individual icons to do each test separately or tap Test all to do them all at once. For this example, we went with Test all.
Tap on the individual icons to do each test separately or tap Test all to do them all at once. For this example, we went with Test all.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to help test your phone’s functions. Throughout the process, you will be asked to perform simple tasks, such as turning on the flashlight or recording your voice to test the phone's mic.

Note: You may be able to skip certain sections, whereas others are mandatory to complete.

5 As you go through the test, you will need to answer any questions that appear. If you answer "no" because a particular feature is not working, you may be prompted to follow additional steps.

Note: If a test fails, its icon will glow red and an x will appear above it.

6 When you are finished, the sections you completed will glow blue. Tap on them to see your results or perform the test again.
7 Any sections you skipped or did not finish will glow white. Tap on those icons to take the associated diagnostic test.

If you need additional help or if the issue is not covered in the diagnostic test, there are other ways to troubleshoot using Samsung Members.

You can post a question on the Community forum and have other Samsung users offer advice. Or, you can browse existing Community threads to see if anyone else had experienced the same problem.

Alternatively, you can go to the Get help tab and tap Solutions. Here you will find official Samsung articles that provide troubleshooting instructions or general information about Galaxy devices. Tap Browse or the Search icon to look for a specific article related to your issue.

Other ways to diagnose

Finally, there are several ways to contact Samsung support from the Get help tab. You can text, call, or request service!

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