Wireless Speaker Bottle design

Wireless Speaker Bottle design

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Wireless Speaker Bottle design
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360-degree surround sound speaker

16M-color LED lighting customizable to suit your mood or change with music

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    About This Product

    The Samsung Wireless Speaker Bottle design’s 360-degree surround sound speaker and 16M-color LED lighting make your listening experience more enjoyable than ever – and spruce up all interior settings. Customize its LED colors to suit your mood, and top up its battery with ease with a handy wireless charging feature.

    Music comes full circle

    Equipped with an innovative 360° surround sound speaker unit, the Wireless Speaker Bottle design allows you to enjoy a rich audio experience no matter where you use it. Immerse yourself in your favorite tunes anywhere, including your living room.

    You can listen to music by connecting the Bottle with a Bluetooth enabled device or a non-Bluetooth enabled device using it’s 3.5mm AUX port and cable.

    Music comes full circle

    Light up your world

    Use the Bottle design as an eye-catching light stand. Its beautiful 16M-color LED lighting unit accentuates your indoor settings.

    Change LED brightness and colors with simple motions using an intuitive, accelerometer sensor. A water-pouring motion adjusts brightness gradually, and simple shaking motion lets you change the LED color scheme. 

    Light up your world
    Take control

    Take control

    Use the Lux Manager app for more detailed LED color setting control. Choose from a range of color themes and customize settings to your heart’s content.

    Choose from Light Wave, Music Light and Candle Mode lighting options. Pick the mode that best suits your mood.

    Let go

    The Bottle design is compatible with both wireless and cable charging. For a wireless charge, simply place your speaker on the wireless charger. 

    Use Samsung’s new multi-wireless charger (EP-PA710) for convenient charging.

    Let go

    Fun by design

    A unique, bottle-shaped design makes this speaker a cool interior item and an instant conversation piece. Its practical knob and build makes it easy to carry. 

    Straightforward controls means it is a breeze to adjust volume settings, play or pause a track or power on/off.

    Fun by design
    • Speakers


      360º surrounding speaker

    • Connectivity



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    Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. All images are dramatizations for demo purposes.