Turn your Gallery photos into art with PENUP

Sometimes, transferring photos from a screen onto paper is difficult. That won’t be a problem with your Galaxy device! You can take photos from your Gallery and trace right over them with your finger or S Pen in the PENUP app.
S Pen drawing in the PENUP app on a Galaxy S24 Ultra
S Pen drawing in the PENUP app on a Galaxy S24 Ultra

Turn your Gallery photos into art with PENUP

Trace over photos

If you have a beautiful photo on your phone or tablet, you can trace it directly on your device’s screen.

  1. Navigate to and open the PENUP app, and then tap Photo drawing at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap either Take picture or Select from Gallery. Next, take or select a picture you would like to draw over.
  3. Choose your desired settings for the photo, such as Opacity and orientation. You can also tap Sketch filters to adjust the Contrast and select a Line color. Then, tap Done.
    Done highlighted
  4. Now you can draw, color, or trace over the photo using the coloring tools such as a pencil or brush!
  5. When you’re finished, tap More options (the three vertical dots) in the bottom right corner, and then tap Post. You can select from the following options:
    More options highlighted in the lower right hand side of the PENUP app
    • Post: Post the drawing to your PENUP account. Follow the on-screen instructions to post your drawing.
    • Select filter: Apply a filter to your drawing, then tap Next, and then tap Post to post it to your PENUP account.
  6. If you’d like to save the drawing as a draft without posting it, tap More options (the three vertical dots) in the bottom right corner, and then tap Save.

    : You can also tap Back (the arrow) in the bottom right, and then tap Save when prompted.
If you'd like to see the photo without your embellishments, tap the Layers icon; it looks like two squares. Tap the eye icon on the layer(s) you'd like to hide. Once all of the additional layers have been hidden, only the original photo will remain. You can unhide the layers by tapping the eye icon again.
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Import photos

Although you can’t trace over an imported picture, you can draw on or around it, as well as adjust the position and size of the picture.

  1. Navigate to and open the PENUP app, and tap Photo drawing to start a new drawing.
  2. From the drawing canvas, tap More options (the three vertical dots) in the bottom right corner, and then tap Import picture.
    Import picture highlighted in More options menu in the PENUP app
  3. Tap either Take picture or Select from Gallery, and then take or select a picture. It will be added to your canvas.
  4. Next, use your fingers to reposition and resize the picture as desired.
  5. When you’re finished with your drawing, tap More options (the three vertical dots) in the bottom right corner, and then tap Save.

    Note: You can also tap Back (the arrow) in the bottom right, and then tap Save when prompted.
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