Freestyle intermittent auto-power off after several minutes (about 15 mins)

Last Update date : 2024-01-14

If the source type is HDMI, Freestyle shuts down automatically after around 15 minutes of AC power.

  • TV Plus supported regions: The default source type is TV-Plus, but if you use an external HDMI source but receive no signal from the HDMI device, this problem can occur.
  • TV Plus non-supported regions: The default source type is HDMI. More likely to occur

Note : Once auto power off, there is no any specific error message on the screen. 

If you are facing this issue please wait approximately 20 seconds after turning on the AC power cord before using the app (* If the source type is HDMI and there is no signal) 20 seconds is the time when the "HDMI disconnected" message is displayed.

Note:  If you have any questions after verifying the solutions mentioned above, please call our contact center for help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

* This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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